Chapter Twenty: Caught

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Evan sat at a booth in Á La Mode, waiting, picking at the sundae sitting in front of him with a spoon.

As he waited, he thought of the day he spent there with Connor, of how he told him how he felt.

Evan sighed. The person he was waiting for was twenty minutes late.

Evan sighed, about to stand up, when his dad sat in the seat opposite him.

"Hey, Evan," he said. "I'm so sorry I'm late. Heath was very fussy this morning."

"It's o-okay," Evan said, giving him a small smile.

"So how have you been?"

"G-good, I guess," he said. "What a-about you?"

James smiled. "Fantastic, thank-you."

"So, um, n-not to sound r-rude or anything, b-but why did you want to meet me here?"

James shrugged. "I figured that a catch-up was long overdue."

Evan nodded.

"So, I guess, just tell me about yourself. Exciting things you've done over the decade, things about your friends, things like that."

Evan took a deep breath. "W-well, I have e-extreme social a-anxiety."

"Not how I thought this was starting," James said. "Continue."

"I-it's kind of getting b-better, though. I-I think the competition helped."

James nodded. "That's good to hear. What about your friends? What are they like?"

"W-well, there's Jared-"

"Oh, I remember Jared!" He laughed. "Are you guys still friends?"

Evan nodded. "Yeah. He's r-really funny, he m-makes us all laugh. There's a-also Zoe, she's r-really pretty and t-talented. There's A-Alana, she's r-really nice and s-smart," then Evan sighed. "And there's Connor."

"What's he like?"

How to describe Connor? Evan didn't know how to start. "Well, H-he's really nice, he c-cares about m-me, he's r-really cute, he's l-loy-"

"Looks like someone has a crush," his dad laughed.

Evan laughed nervously. "Well, a-actually, he's k-kind of my b-boyfriend? He w-was at the p-park that day w-with me."

His dad nodded. "He seems great, Evan. It's good to see you so happy."

Evan smiled. "So, um, h-how are the k-kids?"

James smiled at the thought of them. "They're good. Addison is an absolute angel and never gets into trouble. Jaylin is a bit like Addison, but he sometimes... bends the rules, and Heath is going through his terrible twos, so it's hell at home."

Evan laughed, eating the last spoonful of his sundae.

"It was great h-hanging out with you, dad, but I sh-should go now. Mom wants me home s-soon."

James nodded. "Okay. I'll speak to you soon," he said, standing up and walking out the door with Evan.

"Bye, Evan," he said, pulling him into a hug.

Evan hugged back. It felt nice.

He finally had his dad back.


Heidi had messaged Evan saying he could stay out longer, which was convenient because James had already left.

To pass the time, Evan decided to take a walk through the nearby orchard.

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