Chapter Thirteen: Cuddles

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A/N: Slight Brooklyn Nine-Nine season two finale spoilers ahead, I guess?

TW: Mentions of suicidal thoughts.

Evan stood there, shocked, as people cheered. He slowly took a step forward so he was in line with the other nine.

Mr Howard was saying something, but Evan couldn't comprehend it over the excitement he felt bubbling inside him.

He did it. He passed auditions without completely embarrassing himself.

Evan saw that people were walking off the stage and towards their friends and families.

Evan walked off the stage to see his mom and Connor standing together.

"Evan, honey!" His mom squealed and hugged him, Evan stumbling a bit and laughing. "You did an amazing job! I'm so proud!"

"Thanks, mom," he said giggling. "Sorry, but I can't really breathe-"

"Oh! Sorry, Evan," she said, pulling away from him.

Evan was then embraced by Connor.

"I'm so proud of you, Tree Boy," he whispered in his ear. "You crushed it out there."

Connor then pulled away from the hug and pulled Evan into a kiss. Evan kissed back for a second before remembering where he was.

"Connor," he said, pulling away. "Not here. What if people see-"

Connor cut him off with a kiss. "Let them see."

Evan shrugged, still a bit unsure, however kissed him again.

"Um, boys? Sorry, but we have to leave now," Heidi said kindly.

Evan reluctantly pulled away. "Do you want to stay the night tonight?" He asked Connor.

Connor nodded. "Sure." He turned to Zoe, who was standing nearby with Alana. "Hey, Zoe!" He yelled.

Zoe turned around. "What?"

"Tell Larry and Cynthia I'm at a friend's house."


Connor turned towards Evan and Heidi.

"Are we ready to go?" Heidi asked them.

They both nodded.

Connor held Evan's hand and they started walking.


"Alright, boys, I'm really tired, so I'm heading off to bed now," Heidi announced when they walked into the house.

Evan checked his phone. 9:30.

"Okay. Goodnight, mom." Heidi kissed his forehead.

"Night, sweetie."

"Goodnight, Heidi," Connor said.

"Goodnight, Connor," Heidi said, smiling. "Don't stay up too late. I know it's a Friday night, but I still want you boys to actually sleep." With that, Heidi left.

"What do you want to do?" Evan asked.

Connor shrugged. "We could watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine."

Evan nodded. "Which season?"

"Three," Connor replied.

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