Chapter Twelve: Portrait of a Girl

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A/N: The video is Evan's audition song.

It was the day of round one: auditions. About thirty people had signed up, so there were a lot of people in the audience.

Evan stood backstage, picking at his cast and peeking out from behind the curtains to see the audience.

A wave of anxiety washed over Evan at the sight of the crowd and he began to panic. He ducked back behind the curtains and began to hyperventilate.

What was he doing? He couldn't do this. He wasn't a good singer, and people would begin to laugh at him. What if he messed up the song? No one would forget it and he'd become the laughing stock of the night.

Evan felt someone hug him from behind. He lifted his head to see Connor's face smiling down at him.

"C-Connor! What're you doing b-back here?" Evan asked, turning around to hug him back.

"Just came to wish you luck," he replied, continuing to embrace him and stroking his head softly. "I figured you'd also be freaking out, so I came to calm you down. Looks like I was right, you're hyperventilating."

Connor continued to stroke his head and Evan's breathing slowed down.

"Good job, Tree Boy. Deep breaths."

Evan took a deep breath in for four seconds, held it for seven, then exhaled for eight. This was a breathing exercise Connor had taught him.

"You're going to do great, Tree Boy, you hear me?" Connor said, pulling away from the hug, his hands still on Evan's shoulders and looking into his eyes.

"Are you sure?"

Connor nodded. "Positive. I'll be in the front row, I'll show you where I'm sitting."

Connor pulled Evan in front of the curtains, and pointed to an empty seat. He saw Zoe to the right of the seat.

Connor pulled him back behind the curtains, and gave him another hug.

"If you begin to get anxious, just look at me. Ignore everyone else, it helps."

Evan hugged his boyfriend tighter.

"Thanks, Connie."

Connor pulled away and kissed his forehead.

"No problem. I have to go now, it's starting," he smiled at Evan. "Go get 'em, Tree Boy."

Connor kissed him quickly.

"Good luck kiss," he said, then left.

Evan stood there, unusually calm, and remembered what Connor had told him.

"Evan!" A voice called out.

He turned around to see Jeremy.

"Jeremy!" He exclaimed, and gave him a quick hug.

"You signed up!" Jeremy smiled.

Evan nodded. "Thanks for telling me about it. Are you auditioning, too?"

Jeremy nodded. "My boyfriend is, too."

Evan nodded. "Well, good luck!"

"Thanks! You too!" He smiled, then walked away.

Evan heard the audience quiet down and saw Mr Howard, the principal, walk on stage.

"Good evening everyone!" He said cheerfully. "Welcome to the singing auditions! We have about thirty entrants tonight, which is amazing. Just a reminder that only ten people go through to the next round. Best of luck to everyone!"

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