Chapter Seven: You've Got to Kiss the Boy

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"Evan, honey," Evan heard his mother's voice call him from downstairs. "We need to talk."

"Just a sec, mom!" Evan said.

He scribbled out the end of his 'daily pep talk', then read over it.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is going to be an amazing day, and here's why: Connor, Zoe, Alana and Jared are coming over to party... and stuff! I know you haven't had a sleepover in about a decade, but relax. These are your best friends and Jared. It'll be fine.

Sincerely, your best and most dearest friend,


Evan smiled, proud of his roast on Jared, and folded it into a blue folder he kept for his therapy sessions.

Evan walked out of his room and down the stairs, where his mom sat on the couch.

"Everything okay, mom?" Evan stood at the base of the stairs. Heidi nodded.

"Yes, it's nothing bad, Evan," Heidi laughed, but maintained her serious face. "I think you should sit down." She pat the spot next to her.

Evan walked over and sat. Heidi cleared her throat.

"Evan, honey, I don't want you to be mad at me. Can you promise me that?"

Evan nodded. "Of course, mom. I could never be mad at you." Evan never had a stutter around his mother, unless he was really anxious.

Heidi took a deep breath and smiled. "Thanks, sweetie. Now, I haven't exactly been honest with you about something."

Evan nodded, waiting for her to continue. She kind of looked nervous.

"Well, truth is, I've been seeing someone for about six months." She looked at Evan nervously, looking for his reaction.

Evan smiled at gave her a hug. "Mom, that's great! Tell me everything about them."

Heidi giggled, clearly happy with the positive reaction from Evan.

"Well, his name is Paul. He's really sweet, and has a son about your age. I think he actually goes to your school," Heidi said. "I want you to meet both of them soon."

Evan nodded, trying to hide his anxiety of meeting new people.

"Sounds great, mom."

Heidi smiled and put and hand on Evan's knee. "I want you to be honest about things like this too, okay?"


"Like, do you have a crush on anyone? Didn't you have a crush on Zoe Murphy or something a year ago?"

Evan silently cursed Jared for telling Heidi. "Not anymore," he shook his head. "I-I like someone else n-now." He started to stutter. If he told his mom about his crush on Connor, he'd have to come out, and he wasn't sure if she was homophobic or not.

"Oh! Who is it?"

"Well, I, um..."

"You can tell me anything, honey. Ooh, do you have a crush on one of the kids coming over tonight? Is it Jared?" She said, elbowing me.

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