Shaé knows more than you thought

Start from the beginning

Amara: I can't do that Nashaé but tell me-

She was cut off by Nashaé yelling through the speakers

Nashaé:You can but you won't but why not who are you protecting and why?

Amara: Just let everything thing play out Nashaé please.

Nashaé:Did you just say"Please"?...If you won't tell me those things I figured you should know the detective that's on my families case is getting suspicious and I think he think he might find out that my grandmother died and we've been living by ourselves which might leave us all getting split up in foster care and they will dig and find out about you just like I did.

Amara was shook at what Shaé said and starting wondering what she knows while Cassie seen Amara struggle with her words

Amara: Wha-What?...Never mind...I'll handle it.

Nashaé: Sure you will.

The conversation ended and Amara and Cassie was lefted  with nothing to say,Nashaé was still looking out the window when Ember and Kami pulled up and Childs was getting out his car he had a bag in his hand he called out to Kami to help him carry some things and Nashaé turned from the window and walked to get all her information to explain herself as Ember opened the door for Kami and Childs


She yelled walking from the kitchen to the living room as Shaé had a bag over her shoulder and two boxes in her hand as Childs,Kami and Ember just stood there looking at her

Ember:What's all that stuff?

Shaé: Hakeems Truth.

She answered walking down the last step to the couch while everyone else looked at eachother then followed Shaé to sit down,Nashaé stood up while they took a seat and began talking

Shaé:So this is going to be easy to say any of isn't going to be so let me start by saying I'm sorry I kept it from you but it was for your own good the less you know the less you are worth to anyone so any questions before I start?

Kami:Should we be scared?Shaé nodded and everybody sighed

Childs: How long have you had all this?

Nashaé:Some dated back to before Hakeem died he left it for me but I didn't realize until I started digging.

Everybody looked at Shaé and looked down

Nashaé: Ok let's get to it. She unpacked one box and sat it on the table

Nashaé:This right here is letters and notes Hakeem left me because he knew he was going to die,the first half is about his family,friends and second half is Hakeem confessing to crimes he did with the FYL gang and why one stood out to me it was when he was a kid when he met Késhaun but when I was talking to Késhaun I remember he told me about a friend that was in a gang that he wanted to join it was around eighth grade or so but here in this letter it says they was earlier than eighth grade around pre-k so before I read anything else I asked myself some questions

Childs:Why would Késhaun lie about when they met?

Ember:Is Késhaun talking about Hakeem or somebody else?

Kami:And could Késhaun be reppin' two gangs.

Nashaé:Exactly those are the some of the questions I asked myself but I couldn't figure it out right now so I kept digging until I came across three houses Hakeems first house he lived in by himself then Kim moved in ,the second house Hakeem and Kim brought together once the business started booming ,and finally third one th-

Kami:This one?

Ember:Ok explain this house.

Nashaé:This the finally house Hakeem and Kim lived in together they built this from ground up this was home this is where they wanted to bring friends and family at and most importantly to build a strong family...and they was two kids away into doing that


Ember:Two kids away?

Childs:How do you kno-

Kami:Stop.Let her finish.

Nashaé:Kami are you al-

Kami:Just finish.

Nashaé: Ok Detective Kim was cheating on Hakeem with we..I didn't know with whom and still don't but Kim was pregnant twice but she didn't want no one to know only her family and the one friend she trusted Keisha

Ember:I remember her.

Kami:I don't.

Nashaé:Well because you was always at a friends house most of the time but back to the kids Hakeem said something to me while I was sleep or at least he thought I was he uh um whispered in my ear he said you tell I kill I didn't know what it meant until I read these hospital reports.

Childs: Wait what he did you get those? He said getting up

Nashaé: I borrowed them.

Childs:Oh my god Shaé that's a federal crime you could go to jail if someone finds out.

Nashaé: It was either that or die.


Childs:Shaé? somebody blackmailing you?

Nashaé: I haven't heared anything since the car accident.

Childs: Why didn't you say anything.

Ember:Was it that bitch Amara.She assumed as Childs looked shocked and blown
Childs: Wait so y'all got a name of who you think it is and not?

Nashaé:Wow haven't you been listening to anything I said these muthafuckas can't be trusted they kill they lie,cheat,steal and yet I'm just like them...She said angrily with tears starting to form when Childs walked to comfort her but then he had to ask

Childs:You haven't killed anybody have you?He said talking to them as they look at eachother then shake their heads no when Ember and Shaé eyes met Ember already knew Shaé was lying

Childs:Oh thank god now just tell us about the second box please.He said as that was a relief as Shaé second guessing telling them what's in the second box

Nashaé:The second box is the whole month til Hakeems death he wrote more than he every did we'd better here it could take all night.

Kami:Then I guess we better get started then.

Everybody looks at Kami,Nashaé nodded her head in understanding that she knows very little and wants answers she wipes her tears walking back to her seat and takes a deep breathe then opens up the box and grabs a notebook and looks at them

Nashaé: Here in my hand is Hakeems diary leading up to the day he died and of course it has the day he died but not the night so I'm assuming he died at night time because in his entries are the same date morning and night except for the day he dies so let's get to it..its no turning back now...Ready?

She asked and everybody nods and Shaé opens the notebook

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