Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Quickly, Ankhesenpaaten!" she whispered urgently. "Come inside!"

"Is something wrong?" I asked, frowning.

"There are soldiers scouring the city, searching for people who...who..." Huy faltered, glancing at me, concerned.

"Who helped murder my brother and sister," I finished numbly, a blank expression on my face.

"Yes," Huy clarified, avoiding eye contact with me. "They are searching anyone who they see. We must stay in our homes. They'll kill us if they think anything is suspicious."

I frowned. "Are you sure?" I didn't recall seeing any soldiers on my way to their humble home. Surely I would have noticed those who were from the palace. And if they had seen me, they most definitely would have returned me back to the palace.

"I'm certain!" Huy said nervously. "Quickly, come inside!"

I took a deep breath as I tried to suppress another wave of emotions that began to take over me once more. I wished Huy hadn't mentioned my siblings, but then again, that was the reason that I had come here for.

All I really wanted was Kahmose. I wanted him to hug me – I wanted to feel his warm, comforting arms hold me as I finally let out everything that I was holding back. My tears with Nebt in my chambers earlier...they were nothing compared to what I was truly feeling. I needed Kahmose with me. I needed him to hold me, and tell everything was going to be alright. I needed him to make me feel safe again. I needed him, more than words could describe.

I must have hesitated too long because Huy stopped walking and looked at me strangely. "Hey," she began gently. "You ok?"

The support was almost too much. Why couldn't Huy just ignore me? Why did she have to stop and be nice to me? The kindness was too much to take. I hate to admit it, but I completely broke down.

"Oh, darling!" Huy soothed, rushing to me. "Hush now. Let it out. It's ok. Everything's ok."

"It – it's not – it's not –" I sobbed, my voice breaking.

"Hush. It's ok. I know. Don't talk. Sit down here, and I'll go to get Kahmose, ok? I'll be right back."

Huy led me to a small, wooden chair that felt it would snap into two as soon as I put weight on it, but I didn't care. My legs were weak and I wasn't going to concern myself with a broken chair at this moment.

The few small windows at the top of the house made it difficult for me to see. The sunlight provided from the windows was barely sufficient enough to light up the dim room.

As much as I tried to control them, the tears burst forth like a dam, spilling down my face. I felt my chin tremble like a small child and I looked towards the high windows, as if the small amount of light could soothe me. A strange, static sound began in my head. I could hear my own sounds, like a distressed child of some sort, raw from the inside. It took something out of me that I didn't know I had left to give. But that was how death worked – it ripped you apart, tearing at your insides.

Where was Kahmose? What was taking them so long? Did they think it was funny, leaving me by myself, leaving me to my sorrows, so that they wouldn't have to do anything? Were they secretly laughing at me?

I felt my stomach twist as loud, frustrated, angry cries escaped my mouth. I started to shake, like an earthquake shook the world. My tears racked my entire body as I bent over, trying to eliminate the pain in my stomach, but failing miserably.


The one voice that I wanted to hear the most had arrived. Kahmose ran over to me, kneeling on the ground so that he was level with me. "Hey," he said softly, gently touching my arm. "I'm here now. You're going to be ok."

I hesitantly stood up, and before I knew it, Kahmose was embracing me, squeezing me tightly so that I almost couldn't breathe. What more could he do? All he could do was embrace me, and let the torrent of my tears soak through onto him. I clenched my fists, not sure whether to be angry that such a horrible thing had happened, or to give up hope all together. Why did Aten hate our family? We had rewarded him. We had worshipped him like no other Pharaoh before. Why, then, would he punish us?

I tried to scream, but no sound came out. I was suffocating with each breath that I took holding onto my pride.

Kahmose ran his fingers through my hair, time and time again, in a silent attempt to calm the war within my mind. I could tell he felt helpless, but he was helping more than he knew.

Huy stood awkwardly to the side, unsure of what to do. I knew she wished to comfort me, but the only person I felt could help me was Kahmose.

My loud, ghastly wails and silent screams eventually quieted down to soft sobs, and loud gasps for air at whatever opportunity I could grasp.

"There now," Kahmose soothed, hushing me. "It's ok. You'll be ok."

I looked up and gazed into his eyes, full of concern and worry for me. And in that moment, that exact moment, I knew.

The way he could make me feel better during whatever scenario.

The way my stomach danced, tumbled, and turned whenever I happened to think about him.

The way I would always think about him.

In that moment, I knew.

I knew I loved him.

And I could see in his eyes, even though his mouth did not move.

I could tell that he loved me, too.


Hey Everyone! So I know, I know.

I know it's been a while.

But I have truly been breathtakingly busy. Also, for the last three months, I had to write a book for a class I'm taking this semester (long story) so I was more focused on that.

But hey, end of term! Holidays next week! Eight weeks of  being able to finish Jewel Of The Nile!

Thank you everyone for your support while I've been absent on Wattpad. Seeing the rising number of views made my heart explode with happiness. I never would have thought so many people would enjoy my work. So thank you, thank you very much.

I don't know when I'll be able to update next, but it definitely won't be as long as this chapter took.

Love each and every one of you!!!!

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