Chapter 22 - Anonymous Invitation

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I was able to sleep properly for the first time in days so I slept well that night. I didn't wake up till 11:30 the next morning. I felt refreshed and energized and just relaxed; it was a nice feeling.

Annalynn greeted me with a smile as I came downstairs to the kitchen which I matched with a smile of my own.

"Good morning sleepyhead." She said.

"Good morning." I yawned.

"How'd you sleep last night?"

"Much better."

"Me too." She smiled.

I grabbed the cereal box from the pantry and the milk from the fridge and sat down at the table. I had just sat comfortably when I heard my phone go off from up in my room. I stopped mid-chew.

I always keep my volume up because no one ever texts me unless it is an emergency so it usually doesn't matter. Who could possibly be texting me right now? My sister is here with me, and my parents are sleeping in since it's a Saturday. It's not like I have any other friends.

Curiosity got the best of me and I dropped my spoon into the half-eaten cereal bowl and ran upstairs.

With a few slips in my socks on the hard wood floor, I made it to my bedroom almost completely unharmed. I stubbed my toe, but it didn't stop me.

I had gotten up the stairs so quickly that the notification was still on the screen; I grabbed it and checked the screen.

'Meet me at the back of the school at 1:00 pm today."

And that's it. No name, no explanation, no nothing! And it was just a random phone number that I didn't recognize.

I shouldn't go, it's probably a stranger that wants to kidnap me, but how would they know that I go to that school? Stalkers, that must be it.

I glanced over at my clock, 12:30. I'd need to walk so if I was going to go I'd need to leave now.

I know I really shouldn't go but I was so curious. Maybe I will just go and sneak around to see who it is, if it is a kidnapper than I'll just leave before they even know I was there.


I quickly dressed myself out of my pjs and into my cutest pair of skinny blur jeans with a floral t-shirt. I stopped to look at myself in the mirror before rushing out the door.

My body length mirror allowed me to see my whole outfit and figure. I was thin for my age, maybe it was stress, but at least it didn't look like I was starving myself. My long dark hair reached almost the middle of my back, it wasn't curly but it wasn't completely straight either. It was more crimped or wavy, it always was because I never styled it. I scanned my face. I didn't really like how I looked, but I'm sure everyone feels that at some point. My eyes were wide which made the green stand out so much, my face was heart shaped like my sisters and my wide smile matched hers as well, but her features were matured and much prettier then mine in my opinion.

I reassembled my thoughts and focused on the important thing, I was going out to meet a stranger.

On that note, I grabbed my phone and headed for the front door. I didn't tell anyone where I was going because I knew that if I told them they wouldn't let me go.

I began to wonder who it would be if it wasn't a kidnapper. Secret admirer? That would be fun! Even though I'd have to turn them down.

I then remembered that most people don't know that I'm going to die in 358 days, so it could be someone who noticed I don't have friends and wanted to befriend me.

Then again it could be the opposite and someone wants to bully me or interrogate me. You never know.

Subconsciously, I began to speed walk. Must be curiosity again.

Curiosity killed the cat, I reminded myself.

It's probably accurate, but I didn't care.

I arrived at the school quicker than I thought I would. I checked my phone for the time, 12:52. I was early. I guess this way I have the element of surprise because this person won't know I'm here.

I leaned against the wall of the school that faced the grass field; I stayed close to the bushes so that I couldn't be seen from the side that opened up to where I was.

I waited and waited, checking the time probably twice a minute. It was 1:05 now, and for me the be waiting for 13 minutes seemed like an eternity.

I had just given up and was about to go home when I heard footsteps.

I leaned back against the wall and held my breath as the foot steps got closer and closer.

The person finally turned around the corner; he couldn't see me, but I could see him.

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