Chapter 10 - You Again

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Annalynn and I some how managed to make it to school just in time for assembly.

"Its a Christmas miracle!" She exclaimed, which made me question,

"In spring?"

"Well no one says it's a spring miracle, it doesn't have the same ring to it."

She does have a point.

I giggled to myself at the memory as I sat in my homeroom. I never giggle, or even smile for that matter, so these people probably think I've been drinking or something.

Today is my first day of grade 11, but I'm not nervous, I've already met everyone from this class since I join them for a short time every year. They're not intimidating, I'm more mature then everyone here anyways. Im not trying to boast or anything, but the people here still play with barbies and DS's while I read and write.

That's fine, I'm not gonna judge. You enjoy your childhood.

I scanned the room as the teacher was giving a speech about something I already knew, and my eyes found what I was looking for instantly.

It was him.

I have to see him for another 5 months and 12 days before he graduates to grade 12(not including summer break), and man am I looking forward to that day.

As I watched him listen to the teacher, his head turned in my direction. My stomach did a summersault inside of me making me feel sick.

We made eye contact, his brown eyes looking back at mine.

"Okay so, starting today, 12 days to spend together and then it's summer break, and then we have another 5 months before you graduate to grade 9."

"That's not very much time!"

"I know." I frowned, so did he.

His eyes lit up,"Happy late birthday Shay Shay!"

"You already said that a million times!"

"And I said happy on-time birthday yesterday!" He corrected me.

"Exactly! So why are you saying it again?"

"Because I want your birthday to be happy." He smiled, showing me a few of his missing teeth.

He didn't know how sensitive Birthdays where to me, he didn't know I wasn't actually going to live until I was 60.

"Then in 7 months and 12 days, you can say happy birthday to me and make my birthday happy!"


The teacher's piece of chalk snapped, tearing me from my flash back.

I turned my head away from the boy sitting in the front of the class, and he turned his head away from me. And that was that.

The minute our lesson was done, I bolted out of the class room. I can't risk bumping into him. Making eye contact for the first time in over two years is bad enough. I want nothing to do with him; I just want to avoid him.

It was lunch now, and then after that we have gym for the rest of the day and I don't have to worry about him because his half of the class has leadership.

I am safe, or at least I thought.

I walked into the cafeteria with the lunch Anny had packed me that morning and headed to my own corner table. I always have it to myself because everyone sits at tables in their own friend groups and this table is just left empty, so I adopted it as my own only to find him sitting there.

He was by himself and kept looking around as if he was looking for something, which he was.

It was me.

He knows I always sit at that table, everyone does.

Why on earth does he want to talk to me today if all days!? 6 months later!?

I grumbled, making my forehead crease and my eyes narrow. I couldn't see myself, but if I could I'd imagine I looked like I was about to charge.

Of course I didn't actually; I have more class than that.

I realized then that I had been standing in this one spot just staring at the kid for at least a minute, I had to make a decision, and that was to walk away.

Just as I was about to turn away he caught a glimpse of me and got up from his seat.

I spun on my heel and headed the opposite direction. I started with a brisk walk which turned into a jog which turned into a sprint. Yes, I was running full speed away from a boy.

I looked over my shoulder to see that he was running after me.

What could be so important that he's chase me for it? I'm not gonna lie I was curious, but not enough to ask him.

I have run away from people trying to get my attention before so I have a few tricks. I dodged a teacher and joined group of students older than me so I hid under their height. He ran past the teacher just like I had, but didn't see me hiding with the group and took a left going down another hallway. Just to be safe, I bolted the way I had came and slipped into a janitors closet.

I couldn't go back to the cafeteria now, that's okay, I don't mind eating in here. So I found a comfortable spot on an upside down mop bucket and eat my lucky charms cereal.

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