🍋Amajiki x Reader: Ears

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"Yeah. Let's ditch this loser and his bitch girlfriend." He emphasized the last word with disgust, obviously in an attempt to embarrass you, as you weren't actually dating. The attempt failed.

"At least he has one." You bluffed, baring your teeth in a wicked smile. Amajiki looked at you in surprise. "Ooh! Tamaki gets more action than you! I bet that stings, doesn't it? I hope you have as much fun as he does tonight with just your right hand for company." You felt a grip around your wrist. Even you realized that what you said was a bit too much. The bully turned, mirroring your nasty expression.

"Just because you settled for a freak, doesn't mean that I have to."

That was the last straw. You saw red and moved to step forward, but Amajiki's hand tightened around your arm in restraint. You looked back at him, snapping out of it. The bully turned on his heels, satisfied about getting the last word.

"We're way to old for this shit to happen..." You grit your teeth as you walked Amajiki to the station.

"It's okay, F/N." He said. For a change, he wasn't even bothered by the bully's words. His mind was entirely preoccupied by your acknowledgement of being romantically involved with him. 'Was that real? Was it just part of an act?' Then his mind couldn't help but wander further. '"I hope you have as much fun as he does tonight," she said... What kind of fun does she mean?'

"I'm gonna punch him, Tamaki."

"Please don't."

"I'm gonna." You asserted, still staring at the concrete as you walked.

"Let's just have fun tonight." He encouraged. 'Oh jeez. I used her word 'fun'! I hope she doesn't catch that...'  You sighed, letting out your frustrations.

"You're right. I shouldn't have overreacted. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

"No. You didn't... Thank you... for standing up for me... again..."

"Your welcome." You pursed your lips, realizing that insulting people who are mean to Tamaki had become somewhat of a hobby of yours. "Just... don't dwell on what he said. Promise?" He nodded. "Okay. I'll be over in a little while. ...that is... if you still want to hang out with me." You bit your lip, worried that you had estranged him with your forthright lewd hints.

"Of course I do! I just need about an hour to clean." Your smile returned.

"Okay. I'll bring movies."


You sorted through the movies to find a good one to rent for the night, still grumbling about the bully from earlier. Why did this never happen to YOU? It was always Tamaki that got picked on when he didn't deserve it. You would rather take the verbal abuse over him any day, yet that was never the case. You frowned, knowing the reality would always be: the kind ones will always be targeted.

This put you in a very morbid mood, and you realized that you were standing in the horror section of the store. "Hm..." You wondered if Tamaki liked that genre. You felt that it could go either way. "Oh well..." You grabbed a few that you had seen, knowing they were at least of moderate quality and lacking in certain... scenes that might turn a fun night into an awkward blush fest.


"Hey, Tamaki!" You greeted, strolling into his apartment like you owned the place.

"Hi, F/N." The scent of Takoyaki filled your nostrils.

"I brought these." You handed him the movies, watching him furrow his brows at the dark ominous covers. "Do you like scary movies, Tamaki?"

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