26~Sleeping is the new spying

Start from the beginning

McGonagall frowned. "Yes. Did you not know?" When Harry looked at her with a not-understanding look, she continued her story. "While Mister Weasley was also looking for Miss Brown, he got lost himself. He was lucky professor Snape found him." 

Harry's eyebrows were raised. "Ron? He got lost? Blimey, you'd think he knows the way in the castle after seven years." 

McGonagall suppressed a smile. 

"Indeed. It would seem that Mister Weasley got himself in an unknown part of the castle. Without light even!" She shook her head. "He's quite clumsy, isn't he? He said he fell to the ground after he fell over a table under a crown. Luckily for him he said that the ground was covered with carpet." 

Harry frowned. "Under a crown?"

 She frowned. "Did I say that? I mean under the painting of a crown." 

They didn't speak for a couple of seconds until Harry broke the silence. "And they found H-Alice there too?" 

McGonagall seemed to realize something. 

"I...guess..." she said slowly. "Mister Weasley and Miss Brown returned together." 

Harry nodded. "Thanks for your time, I think I'll just go-" 

He started walking but McGonagall stopped him. "No!" 

Harry turned around, wondering what she wanted. "Uhmm. Seeing that you are one of her good friends, I wondered if you could tell me why she attacked professor Snape and what Draco Malfoy has to do with it?" 

When she saw Harry's raised eyebrow she quickly added: "As the Headmistress of this school I like to know what's going on between these walls." 

Harry smirked. McGonagall looked weird at him.

 "I know nothing about that, professor. She..um..won't speak about it. But if I discover something, I'll let you know." He nodded at her. 

McGonagall seemed not really satisfied. "Well, thank you, Potter. Goodnight." She nodded at him too and walked away. 


Harry started heading  towards the Gryffindor tower. It was a long way and he felt bored, so he took the Mauraders' Map out of his bag and absent-mindedly looked at it. The first thing he saw was the common room and the dorms of the Slytherins. 

"Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson," and the other Slytherins were safely in bed. Harry turned around a corner. The Gryffindor tower: "Neville, Ginny," he smiled. "Ron..and.." He searched for Hermione's name. "Hermione.. isn't... there.." 

He abruptly stopped walking. He saw 'Hermione Granger' walking through the hallways not that far away from him. 

Then she came in vision; she walked - more like running. - towards some stairs who doomed up. He quickly put his Invisibility cloak on and followed her.


Harry stopped moving. That stupid stair had to make a sound right now? He inwardly groaned and watched Hermione. 

She stopped, but a moment later she continued walking. Harry let out a breath. "Damn you stairs," he whispered angrily towards the step he stood on. He quickly made his way up the staircase and followed Hermione. 

They came in a dark corridor. Was this the corridor McGonagall had told him about? 

Suddenly, Hermione stopped and turned around. Harry almost bumped into her. He hold his breath, scared that she had discovered him. 

Then she let out a relieved sigh. "Severus! I was just looking for you!" She smiled and almost walked through Harry, who quickly jumped aside. 

He turned around and saw Snape coming to them. Harry, who had unpleasant experiences with Snape and his Invisibility cloak, quickly squat behind a table. 

 Unlucky for him, that was just where Hermione and Snape walked to.

 Harry carefully looked up to see Snape staring him right in the eyes. 

Snape didn't move. 

Only when Hermione pulled on his arm, he looked away from Harry and put his attention on Hermione. "Inside." His arm did something to the table and they suddenly disappeared, leaving Harry in a painful position. 


I promise, next chapter we'll finally get to the soulmate-thing!!!! 🙌🏻❤️😙

Bonus picture nr. 3: Moody 😝

 3: Moody 😝

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