26~Sleeping is the new spying

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Ron walked into his dorm. Most of the boys were already sleeping, but some of them were still awake. One of them was Neville; he lay in his bed with his eyes wide open. "Hi Neville," Ron said while puttinh his pajamas on. 

"Hello," Neville said softly.

Ron stepped in bed. "Can't sleep?" he asked him. 

Neville shook his head. "I've slept only three hours the last two days, and then I count History of Magic too." 

Ron raised his eyebrows in shock. "Only three hours? Merlin, Neville!" Neville  sighed. "You should go and see Madam Pomfrey!"

 Neville nodded slowly. "Yeah..that's a good idea. Tomorrow. Thanks, Ron." 

Ron smiled. "No prob." 

Neville turned around in his bed and burried his head in his pillow. Ron put the sheets over him. He frowned and turned to look at Harry's bed. 

Empty. Why wasn't Harry here? 

Ron looked at Neville's bed. "Psst. Neville..." he whispered. 


Ron sat up in bed. "Have you seen Harry? He isn't in his bed." 

Neville shifted. "No. Didn't see him." 

Ron lay down again and stared at the ceiling.

 "But," Neville suddenly said. "He was looking for Alice too, right?" 

The ginger opened his eyes. "Yeah. Yeah he was. I think he's still looking for her." 

Neville made an approving sound. "He'll come soon. Goodnight." He closed his eyes. 


Ron smiled to himself and fell asleep.


Harry walked through the corridors. 

He started to feel tired. He had been searching for Hermione ever since dinner. He looked at his watch. 

Three hours.

 He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times. 'Only thirty minutes,' he told himself. 'Then I'll go to sleep.' 

He turned around a corner and almost bumped into McGonagall. She looked down at him with  a shocked face. "Mister Potter! What-?" 

Harry looked at her blankly. "Oh sorry, professor. I didn't watch where I was going." 

McGonagall blinked. "Right. But..what are you doing here? You should be asleep and in your dorm!"

 "Oh," he stammered. "Well, I'm still searching for Alice-" 

"Miss Brown is found and is in the Gryffindor tower at the moment." 

Harry was silent. "Do you know if Ron's back already?" he asked.

 "Yes, he is found too. You know that I normally take points if someone's outside after curfew, Mister Potter?"

 Harry swallowed. "Well, yeah. I remember." 

McGonagall nodded. "Good. Let this be a lesson." 

Harry looked surprised. "You're not gonna take points from me?" 

McGonagall smiled warmly at him. "No. I guess defeating Voldemort has his benefits, don't you think, Mister Potter?" 

Harry grinned. "Thanks. But..you said that Ron has been 'found' too?" 

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