I'm Back, Baby (T.H.)

Start from the beginning

However, this encounter has to fit the timeline. The date was getting closer to start filming Infinity War and I still had no clue what is happening in the movie. I just know the next few movies that should lead up to the movie is Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor Ragnarok, and Black Panther.

Finally a month before filming begins, I was sent a full script of the movie. It's pretty funny, but there's a lot of sadness and anger mixed in there as well.

About midway through reading I finally found my parts. From what I read, Tony sent Jennifer to Bruce, who sent me to Wakanda, then was fixed and was given sorceress powers from all the technology used to help her. It makes somewhat sense, but I will take any excuse to be back.

When I got have way into the script, I realized something else. Only about five people in this movie will know me, and there's over sixty Marvel characters in this movie. It's gonna be scary coming onto set for the first time with no one knowing who I am, except for Robert and maybe Scarlett, if she remembers me.

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MissY/N1995 time to go traveling again...


"Haz, oh my god, Haz look! Y/N's off on another adventure and I saw it first!" I showed him the picture of the airplane Y/N took a picture of and smiled widely at him.

My mate just shook his head at me and laughed. "You sound just like one of your fans right now. But who knows, maybe she is just flying to see her family or is on vacation."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. "She's been with her family for months now since she doesn't have a movie coming up, except the one that starts filming later this year."

"Mate," Haz groaned, "just go to fucking bed. I don't wanna here how cute and adorable Y/N L/N is, but maybe if you wish enough, she might actually show up tomorrow and give you a big'o kiss on the lips like you always wanted."

I blush hugely, but he is probably annoyed. "You never know," I mumbled under my breath and turn over to face the wall to go to bed.


Arriving on set has been the toughest thing ever today. My month of reading lines and mentally preparing myself has passed and now I'm standing in the Atlanta filming site dressed in all black and being escorted by the Russo Brothers.

"There's a slight possibility that Robert might come around, probably wants to know when he gets Downey Town," Joe laughs, pointing at the trailers up ahead. That's where they were taking me. They wanted me to get into my trailer into hair and makeup since today so we could surprise the whole cast.

"All we need you to do," Anthony continues, "is to keep your head down low. Once we get you into your trailer, our team will get you into the same clothes we last saw you in, but they will fit you. Then one of us will send somebody to come get you and— oh hey, Mark."

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