•Boys' Time

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•The boys' pajamas are in the mm.

*In the Bivouac*/ *Same Night*

-The boys-
It was only David, Mac, Tarqell, and Saul. Sam was having a sleepover with two of his other deaf friends while Johnnie's mom didn't allow him to because he might stay up too late.

For some reason, their parents never knew they snuck out this late at night.

They were talking until Mac just blurted out, "Let's talk about the girls."

The other boys looked at him, but eventually agreed to talk about them.

"Name one thing you like most about them, and no, it can't be everything." Mac said.

"Damn." The other boys muttered.

"Okay, I'll start." Saul said. "I like Penny's personality, Sapphire and Hayley's dimples, and Jenny's sister."

"Jenny's sister? That doesn't count, does it?" Tarqell asked.

"Nope." Mac replied.

"You just had to say something." Saul said to Tarqell. "Fine. I like Jenny's freckles."

"For me it would be Penny's eyes, Sapphire's hair, Hayley's smile, and Jenny's as well." David said.

"Penny's eyes, Hayley's pitching skills, Jenny's clear skin, and Sapphire's... this is hard. I like everything about her." Tarqell said.

"Aww, isn't that cute? Chose already." Saul said.

"Whatever. I'll have to say Sapphire's style."

"Okay, I like Penny's catching skills, Jenny's personality, Hayley's sass, and Sapphire's curves." Mac said. "Now let's rate them."

"I give Penny and Jenny a seven, Hayley a nine, and Sapphire a solid ten." Tarqell said. He did his signature sign.

"I give Sapphire and Hayley an eight, Penny a ten, and Jenny a six." Saul said.

"I give Hayley a ten, Sapphire an eight, Jenny a six, and Penny a seven." David said.

"I give Penny and Sapphire a seven, Hayley an eight, and Jenny a ten." Mac said.

"Ooh, somebody gave Jenny a ten." David teased. "You know what that means."

"Somebody's got a crush he never told us about." Tarqell teased.

"I don't like her. I just thinks she's cute." Mac lied.

"Okay. Whatever you say."

"You know, even if I think Penny is really pretty, I'll have to admit Sapphire's a babe." Saul said out of nowhere. "You remember what she wore to the carnival? She was looking foxy, especially with that long hair flowing down her back." Saul said.

"Yeah. I would say she looked good at the carnival, but that's where she kicked my ass in front of everyone." Mac said.

"That was funny." David said.

"I know, right?" Tarqell asked. Him and David started cracking up.

"First you get rejected by her and now you get you ass kicked by her." Saul said.

"I remember when she moved here last year. Teachers admired her, the girls were envious and all the boys had a crush on her." David said.

"Man, what a year. Some of the girls were crushing on her, too." Saul said. "I know two of these girls that are still obsessed with her."

"It's crazy what one person can do to a whole school by just being there."

"There's still lots of gossip about Sapphire. She may not be the most popular kid, but she's, like famous around here."

"To think about it, she's the prettiest black girl I've ever seen."

"I know right?"

"Why does she have to be such a bitch, though?" Mac said. "She makes my skin crawl."

"We know." The other boys said in unison.

"I bet she hates you more than you hate her." David said.

"I remember the first time Hayley moved here. I thought she was solid." Tarqell said.

"You had a crush on her?"

"No. I just thought she was cute."

"Whew, that's a relief 'cause if Sapphire ever found out, she'd be pissed."

"Forget her. I know you're pissed. I bet you are right now, but you just don't wanna show it."

"Oh, my god. Did I just hear Tarqell say forget Sapphire?" Saul asked dramatically.

"That's a first." Mac said.

"I didn't mean it like that." Tarqell said.

"It sure sounded like it." Saul said.

"Watch when we tell her." Mac said.

"You snitches better not!" Tarqell yelled.

"Hey, stop the fighting." David said.

"Shut it, Durango!" The three of them yelled at the same time.

"No! You guys shut it or I'm shutting this whole thing down and everyone can go home!"

"Fine. We'll shut up."

"Can you guys stop talking at the same time?"

"Okay, we'll stop."

"Stop copying me. It's irritating." Saul said.

"What the hell do you mean? You guys are copying me." Mac said.

"No, y'all are-"

"Guys, stop being petty and talk about something else." David said interrupting Tarqell.

The other boys stuck their tongues at each other.

"Okay. I never knew Jenny or Penny before we saw them at the sandlot. I've seen them around school, but I never knew about them." Saul said.

"Me neither." David said.

"I heard a few facts about them from Sam."

"How does he know so much about the ladies than we ever will?"

"Hey, it's his purpose in life."

Further on, they started talking about other things like baseball, what movies are coming up, the trendy stuff, and so much more.

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