•Plan B

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*Hayley's backyard*/ *The Next Day*

Jenny and Penny's plan was to put Miss Susan B. in Mr. Mertle's backyard so we can get the rocket.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hayley asked them. She was unsure of this.

"You want to get it back don't you?" Jenny asked her.

"Yeah, but-" She took a look at her cat.

"She'll be fine." Penny assured. "We'll lower her over the fence, right in top of the shuttle. Her claws'll grab it, and we'll just pull her back over gently."

"But her claws only come out when she's scared."

"Exactly." Jenny said.


"Oh no." I said. "Why'd y'all do this? Why? Don't you girls get it? Cat plus dog equals total opposites."

"Exactly." Jenny said.

"Okay. Fine. Do it. But if Miss Susan B. gets messed up, all fingers will be pointed at y'all. So don't bitch about it, alright? Hayley, you sure about this?"

"Yeah." She replied.

"Okay then. Let it be." I held on to the rope that everyone else was holding on to.

Johnnie was on a high branch of a tree to see the view of the cat from where he was. He whispered to Sammy, "Forward."

Sammy pulled on another rope that the cat was attached to and put it forward a little bit. We're trying to be as careful as possible.

"Okay. Farther." Johnnie whispered. Sammy pulled the rope down so the cat can go farther.

"Keep on going." Johnnie whispered. Sammy kept going.

"Stop." Johnnie whispered. "Okay. A little bit farther."

"We're gonna get that shuttle." Saul said.

"We're gonna get it." Mac whispered.

"I know. We're gonna get it."

"Lower her down." Johnnie whispered. We all did as he said.

"A little lower." He said. We put lowered her down a little more. "I think we got it."

We were happy for a few seconds until Johnnie looked like he was about to panic. "Pull her up! Pull her up!" He yelled. We heard the growling.

Johnnie was till panicking as we pulled rope from left to right. We were struggling. The dog must've been biting into it our something.

We saw cat fur fly out from the gate. That's when I was about to faint. I loved that cat like it was my own. This was the worst idea. 

Hayley gasped. "Miss Susan B!"

"Oh no." Saul said.

"Pull her up! Pull her up!" Johnnie yelled.

We pulled her up and saw Miss Susan B. with no fur. She was completely naked. We all screamed. I death glared at Jenny and Penny.

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