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•A/N: There is only gonna be two flashbacks. The first one is to show when David first saw Hayley and the second one is to show when Tarqell made up with Saul. Here is goes.

*Flashback One*/ *The Last Day of School*

While I was walking out the school,  I bumped into someone. I looked up and it was a girl. She was gorgeous. I couldn't stop looking at her. I was speechless.

She said, "You're supposed to say you're sorry." I didn't say anything.

"Earth to boy." She said waving her hands in my face.

I rapidly picked up her things. Keep in mind that I still didn't say anything.

"You're really fast. Thanks." She said. I was still speechless. "You're supposed to say you're welcome."

"Bye." She said bumping into me on purpose.

I turned around and saw her pointing to me and talking about me with her three friends. They were laughing. I felt a little embarrassed. But I kept it moving. I still can't stop thinking of that girl. She's so pretty.

"Hey, David, let's go play some baseball." I heard Mac say.

"Yeah, David. Come on." Saul said. He called my name again.

They got on their bikes and realized who I was looking at.

"Her name's Hayley Goodfairer. Solid." Tarqell said, doing his signature sign.

"Sammy says she moved here a month ago. Her dad's some kind of government egghead. He's worked in the South most of her life, so she's from, like, down there somewhere. She's 12 going on to 13. Got a late in the year birthday." Saul explained.

"How the hell do you know that, Fingers?" I asked.

"It's his purpose in life to know all the facts about the ladies." Saul said.

"Fingers, since you know so much about the ladies..." Tarqell trailed off. "Tell me the facts about the curly head right there." He pointed to the black girl next to Hayley.

"All I know is her name is Stephanie or something like that, and most people say she has an attitude problem." He added.

I forgot her name, but it's not Stephanie. She's in one of my classes. The teacher loves her. Inside that class, she's all innocent. Outside the class, she's a bitch.

"She's kinda hot." Mac said.

"There was one time where I was in the hallway and I saw her. Turns out she has two piercings on both of her ears and different colored eyes. One of 'em is blue and the other is green." Tarqell said.

"That's so cool." Mac said.

"Forget that. She does have an attitude problem." Saul said. "Sammy says there was a time when a girl said some mean things to her and she said even worse things to the girl. The other girl pulled her hair for no reason. So in return, she dragged the girl to the floor and pulled her by the hair. She never got caught, though."

"Woah. Really?" Tarqell said.

"Ooh, I like a foxy girl who can fight." Mac said.

"If I were you, I wouldn't call her that in her face. She'd beat your ass. I heard her and Hayley are liberated."

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