•Celebration Time

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•A/N: Keep in mind that it's still the Fourth of July.

*My Backyard*/ *Tonight*

Everybody else was at the sandlot. I was still in my backyard. I'm still upset that David didn't come. I was wondering what I did. Was it even my fault? I really thought he liked me.

I saw Johnnie setting up fireworks in the sandlot. I also saw David! Yes! Now I'm feeling better. I waved at him from where I was, which was still at the stairs. I got down, went to the sandlot, and went up to David.

"Hi." I said to him.

"Hi." He said back.

We both went near everyone else to watch the fireworks.

I'm having so much fun with everybody right now, but I'm worried about Hayley. She still might be upset. I wanna check on her, but not alone this time. I wanted Jenny and Penny to come with me because that is our best friend. We can't just leave her there.

"Hey, Jenny. Hey, Penny." I greeted.

"Hey." They both greeted back.

"You guys wanna do me a favor and come with me to check on Hayley?"

"Sure." Penny said.

"But look." Jenny said.

"Look at what?" I asked.

She pointed to Hayley standing next to David. They were walking near everybody else.

"Oh. Never mind, you guys. Let's not bother her. She's having a good time." I said smiling.

"Well aren't you gonna have a good time, too?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah... aren't you?" Penny asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Why are you... oh right. I know what you're talking about. Bye, you guys."

"Bye." They said.

I turned around and said to them, "Hold on."

"What?" They said.

"Aren't you guys gonna have fun with..." I pointed to where Mac and Saul were. I knew Penny liked Saul for sure. I think Jenny likes Mac. I'm not sure.

"Umm... we're good where we are." Jenny said nervously.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. You can go on. Bye, Sapphire." Penny said, trying to get rid of me.

"I know y'all are nervous, but okay." I waved at them. "Bye." I sang.

I went to find Tarqell. I found him in three seconds.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I said back.

We were next to David and Hayley while the rest of them were in front of us. Some parents were in the front, some parents were in the back. My family was there.

We were all watching the fireworks in amazement. Johnnie did such a good job. This is fantastic.

As I was watching the fireworks, Tarqell put his arm around my shoulder. I laid on his shoulder. He rested his head on my hair. We gazed at each other for a few seconds and smiled.

"Get off my hair." I said laughing.

"No. I like it this way." He said.

"I guess I like it this way too. It's comfortable."

"Then keep it this way."

David and Hayley noticed us and said, "Aww."

"Oh, hush." We both said.

It was a good night.

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