"Well, what stuff are you in, Y/N?" Paddy exclaims, grabbing his cup from the table to take a drink.

"I'm a tribute in the Hunger Games, rode dinosaurs with Chris Pratt in Jurassic World, and on Disney Channel quite often either as a spy in K.C. Undercover or princess in Descendants." I explain, but I'm pretty sure everyone zoned out at Disney Channel and is excited about Chris Pratt.

"What about the other part?" Tom mumbled, but was loud enough for everyone to hear. And if I wasn't embarrassed enough, let's just add this to my list.

"Oh, I'm a Marvel Superhero in Infinity War," I said, taking a bit of food that I nearly choke on because Sam literally hit the table with his fist.

"A Superhero?" Sam exclaims, but gets dirty looks from his parents.

"A Superhero dating another Superhero!" Harry says louder than Sam, getting even more dirty looks from their parents.

"Who are you!" Paddy finishes off, leaning over Tom to get a better look of me.

I scratch the back of my head, laughing silently to myself while Tom does the same. "I'm not allowed to say, but you guys can guess. But just to let you guys know, I'm in hidden in the movie and am not in the trailers."

The three boys all look at each other excitedly, wanting to figure out who I am.

"Cindy Moon a.k.a Silk?" Sam asks first, but I shake my head.

"She-Hulk?" Paddy asks next, but I still shake my head.

"C'mon guys, let's think of this the smart way." Harry says in a calm voice. "Where are you from?" He says, smacking the table.

"My god, chill out boys," Nikki says, resting her elbows on the table.

I laugh out a little bit, "okay, I'm from Queens." Out of the corner of my eye I can see Tom trying to contain his laughter by hiding his mouth with his hand.

"Okay, okay, let's think of people who she can and can't be. First, she can't be Storm," Harry starts.

"Nor Captain Marvel," Sam says next, earning a grin from me and Tom.

"Wah-wait, what about Black Cat?" Paddy chirps up. The three boys all shoot a look at me, waiting for my answer.

I shake my head, still grinning at everyone. "You guys are getting there."

"Guys," Sam shouts in the room, "Y/N and Tom started grinning when I said Captain Marvel-"

"What about Ms. Marvel?" Harry asks, giving me a confused look.

"Maybe," I said looking over at Tom, who is still grinning but shrugs his shoulders.

Paddy looked like he was about to explode from excitement from the other end of the table. "That means Spider-Man is dating Ms. Marvel, doesn't it?"

"I guess it does," Tom shrugs, making the three boys want to burst with excitement.

Dinner ended, finally. I could tell both Dominic and Nikki were getting irritated with the three youngest boys at the table. Nikki ended up yelling at all the boys to go outside, and to take Tessa with them.

I offered to help her clean up, but she declined, five times, but I just wanted to help. Dominic did need my help though, we made three cups of tea for us inside so we could go outside and watch everyone do whatever.

I came outside, with my tea cup, and Dominic and Nikki following behind me. Tom gave me a little wave and a smile before returning to basketball with Paddy, Sam, and Harry.

We sat on the back patio, drinking tea and sitting in silence.

"Okay, sweet pea," Nikki says, putting her cup down on the small table in front of us, "what's the real reason you are wearing gloves and Tom's hair is up in a ponytail?"

I sighed and placed my cup on the small table as well. "W-well, your son has really nice hair, that I love." God this is going to sound weird for his parents to hear. "And your son's girlfriend, has really nice hands, that he loves. So we talked about 'calming ourselves' tonight before anything bad happens." I explain, fiddling with my fingers in my lap.

Nikki lets out a quiet laugh, that's not so quiet. "So basically I'm hearing that you two can't keep your hands off each other?"

"Pretty much," I say, trying not to let the embarrassment show in my face.

"Wait, so you don't do nunchuck training?" Dominic asked with a sad expression.

"Oh no, I did, on one of the Disney Channel shows I had to use nunchucks for the episode. Than I wanted to train even more, because I thought it was fun, so one day I went to try it myself and ended up smacking myself in the face. Long story short, this is how Tom and I met, because he saw me hit myself and he took me to the first-aid area. Than he told me to never to that again. . . ." I explain to them.

It took a few seconds, but Dominic and Nikki ended up laughing very hard at my nunchuck incident. The ball from the basketball court stopped moving, meaning that everyone stopped what they were doing and are now looking at us.

"What the hell, how can you make our parents laugh like that and I can't?" Sam exclaims, throwing his hands into the air. "I've tried for eighteen years and nothing, than you come around and do this!"


in honor of that, I released a Harrison Osterfield Imagines book (you can find it by clicking on my profile) !!!!

happy reading.

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