She listened intently the whole time I told her what happened all the way up to when I fell asleep. I left out the part about crying on Jacob’s chest and felt myself blush at the memory.

When the last words left my mouth she said something into the recorder and then shut it off. Then she reached across the polished wood table and rested her hands on top of mine, staring into my eyes.

“You did great honey. I’m going to bring you back to the front now.” I nodded she stood up from her chair. I did the same and then followed her down the hall in silence. “So… that boy in the office is pretty cute. Is he your boyfriend?” I felt my eyes fly wide open and my jaw dropped. She glanced over at me when I didn’t answer and laughed.

“W-what?! No! What gave you that idea?!” I felt my cheeks burning bright red as she laughed again.

“Oh I don’t know. He just looked really worried about you and I just figured that you were an item. So are you guys friends then?” I pursed my lips.

“I guess you could say that.” I mumbled. We didn’t say anything else the rest of the way back and when we walked into the office my eyes instantly found Jacob sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. When he heard the door he jumped out of his chair and started over to us.

I thought he would be drooling over Bethany but he seemed to be focused on me. My cheeks began to burn like they did before when she asked me if Jacob was my boyfriend. They grew even warmer at the thought.

“Well I guess I’ll be going now. It was good meeting you Lyla.” I looked over at her and she sent me a quick wink and a smile before turning and disappearing through the door again.

When I turned back to Jacob I jumped back a step, my cheeks on fire. He’s standing less than three feet away from me now, just staring at my face like he’s thinking really hard about something. I fumbled with my fingers and tried to look anywhere but at his eyes.

“S-so… where did my mom go?” I almost didn’t expect him to answer since he’s staring at me so hard.

“She went to the bathroom.” I nodded and looked at the floor, biting my lip nervously as Jacob continued to stare at me. Why the hell does he keep looking at me?!

“Well… I’m going to… wait in the car.” I didn’t give him time to respond and instead rushed past him and out the doors. The cool night air hit my face and I breathed in the fresh air. I stood there for about a minute, just gazing at the sky. Then I looked at the cars in the parking lot until I found ours parked in front of the building about ten spaces to the left of where I’m standing.

I started on my way over to it and the wind blew my hair back away from my face. When I finally reached the car I tried the passenger door and cursed quietly to myself when I realized that it’s locked. Damn. I went around to try the driver’s side but it was locked too.

I turned around, ready to go back inside and try to avoid Jacob until Mom comes back out but stopped short when I came face-to-face with the devil himself. He stood towering over me, his silky black hair falling in his eyes. My breathing quickened and turned into little pants.

He stood about a foot away, his lips parted slightly and his lip ring shining in the soft light from the moon. My eyes grew wide as I stared up at him, locked in his gaze.

Almost the second I froze I felt his hands wind around my waist as he pushed me gently back against the car. Then he stepped even closer. My breaths became short and shaky.

“J-Jacob… What-what are y-you-“ I completely stopped breathing when he dipped his head closer to mine. His beautiful crystal blue eyes are only an inch away, staring into mine with an intensity that I’ve never seen there before. My heart spluttered and thumped rapidly in my chest, fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings.

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