Chapter 33 ~ Release

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Ch 33

Four days after the incident

Evan POV

This was the third day I had awoken and Cadence wasn't here. I knew I had messed up and only if she gave me a chance, maybe I could make it right. I had played the incident with Elaine and Ebony in my head a thousand times and I still couldn't believe that I had fallen for it again. My mother warned me but I didn't listen.

The expression on Cad's face was pure shock and hurt. How come I kept making the same mistakes? I had disappointed her once and here I go doing it again.

I just prayed that I could make her see that I am willing to change with her help. I was willing to do anything for her forgiveness. She was the one to have my back as all I have done was to mess things up.

"Yaz sends her love," Elaine whispered before I blacked out. Did they plan to hurt me in the long run? Yaz was still out on the run but how did they plot this? The pieces of the puzzle weren't adding up.

I sat in my hospital bed trying to come up with ideas to not only get Cadence back but figure out how Yaz was a part of this ordeal.

The next day

I woke up after staying up all night. I had tried calling Cadence but she wasn't answering. I took a deep breath and when I reached for the remote, I saw Cad sleeping in a very uncomfortable looking chair. She had a blanket thrown on top of her and her head was leaned against the wall. She looked like Sleeping Beauty. Even without make-up she was gorgeous. Her hair was in a slick ponytail and she was wearing a cute blouse and jeans.

She had taken off her high heels and her purse was to the side. I looked down at her hand and she was still wearing her wedding ring. I was figuring that was a good sign and just maybe I could be the man she needed.

I needed to find a way to explain why I have done the things I've done. I had messed up big time and I didn't know how to make things right. I would need to know because I was afraid if I asked she would tell me there was nothing I could do to make up for my fuck up. I didn't want to be away from the twins and most of all her. I prayed that she would give me another chance.

"You're awake, I see," she said removing the blanket and starting to fold it up. I didn't realize I had been staring at her.

"Yeah, my head feels like it's filled with rocks."

"It should be better soon. I can call the nurse if you need something."

"No, I will try to make it through it. Thanks for being here."

"Evan where else would I be? You see you're my husband and I'm your wife whether you want to believe it or not. I took my vows very serious when I spoke them to God and you. I am a woman who tries to stick to her convictions."

"I saw you on television."

"Hopefully it's the last time I will have to do it. I've never been really good at doing interviews."

"From what I can remember, I think you did great."

"Thank you. The media has been making accusations and I wanted to set things right. You definitely hired very good people to coach me through."

"I'm sure I am paying them big bucks to do it."

"I'm sorry I haven't been here. I just finished up everything late last night."

"That's okay, I know you have been busy. How are the girls?"

"Good," she said rubbing her hands together. She still looked uncomfortable.

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