Chapter 6 ~ Guilt

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To all my wonderful fans, Merry Christmas. With all the awesome comments from last chapter I thought I would give you another chapter as a gift from me to you since I can't afford to buy everyone a real gift. I wish I could. I hope you enjoy.

Cadence POV

I had just gotten out of class when my phone rang. I looked down and didn't recognize the number. I hurried and picked up as I made it to my car.

"Hello," I said trying to keep the phone to my ear.

"Cadence it's Jacob. Don't hang up, I need to see you?" His voice sounded raspy.

"Jacob, I don't think it's a good idea. I'm headed home."

"Please. I just want to talk that's all."

I sighed. I didn't think it was a good idea, but something in his voice told me he really needed to see and talk to me.

"Okay but no tricks Jacob."

"No tricks. Meet me on my boat," He said coughing.

"Are you okay? You don't sound too good. Jacob talk to me."

"I'm fine, just need to (cough cough) to see you."

"I'm on my way." I hung up trying to figure out what was going on. Twenty minutes later I pulled up next to his car. I got out and locked my doors. I walked quickly trying to find the Indulgence. After a few minutes I found it.

I held on tight to the stair banister and walked down the steps. I looked around but I didn't see him. I called out his name but he didn't answer. I walked through the living room and noticed that the door to the bedroom was closed.

"Jacob are you in there?" I knocked on the door. I heard coughing. I walked in and saw Jacob lying across the bed.

"Jacob?" I said walking towards him. I walked over and saw his face. His left eye was black and purple and it was almost closed shut. He had a knot on the back of his head and blood was on his sheets and pillows.

"Dear Lord what happened to you? You need a doctor." He laid there still. My heart started to race. I was praying he would be alright.

"Shit, wake up Jacob. Please wake up." I shook him and he didn't move. I felt warm tears running down my face. I checked his pulse and it was weak.

"Oh no. Hold on Jacob, please wake up," I said grabbing my phone out my pocket and gently shaking him. I was about to call 911 when he stopped me.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy."

"You are not fine! You need to see a doctor. Jacob this is nothing to play with. Who did this to you! Who!" I said. I wanted to kill whoever did this to him.

I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the side of his face." Jacob I got to get you some help. Your head is bleeding, and your eye is almost closed shut. At least let me call Dr. Jeffries and if he can patch you up then you can stay if not you are going to the hospital, okay?"

He just looked at me and my heart went out to him. "I'll be right back. I want you to focus on me. Don't go to sleep, you have to stay awake. Do it for me." As I was about to get up he grabbed my hand.

I looked back at him as he tried to focus. I intertwined my fingers with his as I used my other hand to dial Dr. Jeffries. On the third ring he answered as I sent a silent prayer up to the heavens. I explained everything that happened and his condition and he said he would be here in fifteen minutes but there were some things I could do before he got there. I thanked him and hung up.

I saw our fingers intertwined and I kissed his hand.

"Jacob, you have to let me go. I need to get some things out the bathroom, I will be right back." I kissed him on the side of his head and got up.

Moments later, my hands were full with bandages, first-aid kits, washcloths and alcohol. I took the washcloth and rubbed around the knot on the back of his head. It had stopped bleeding but I knew he was going to need stitches. I washed his face trying hard not to mess with his black eye.

His lip was busted as I ran my finger across it. Who would have done this to him? Someone had to have blindsided him because Jacob was arrogant, controlling and muscular. He would not let someone just rough him up like that.

"Jacob, who did this to you?" I managed to say in a calm voice. My insides were all knotted up and I felt more tears threatened to spill. All he did was look at me. Why wouldn't he tell me?

"Okay, fine! Be stubborn," I said wiping my tears. "I need to take off your shirt to see if you are hurt there."

He rolled over and I unbuttoned his shirt. His eyes never left my face. As I opened his shirt, his stomach was bruised on the right side and I had a feeling he may have a broken or bruised rib. His breathing pattern changed as I felt around to see his injuries.

"Ooo," he managed to say. He was in pain. I rubbed my hand across the bruise. This was a sick person to do something like this to him.

"Thank you," he whispered touching my face. I eased up next to him and rubbed the side of his head.

"The doctor should be here any second. You scared me when I saw you laying up here with blood on you. I thought I lost you. I can't lose you. Don't ever scare me like that again."

"Cadence?" I heard Dr. Jeffries calling my name from up top.

"Let me go get him." I kissed him on the forehead and walked out the room. I led Dr. Jeffries to the bedroom and he had his black doctor bag filled with everything we needed. He did an examine, stitched his head, wrapped his ribs and placed bandages on Jacob.

"Jacob you have a bruised rib and a mild concussion. The black eye will heal on it's own, but I want to see you in my office tomorrow. I brought some pain medication for you but only take it if you need it."

Dr. Jeffries looked at me and called me over to the side.

"He needs someone to stay here with him tonight. With the concussion you will need to check on him periodically. I need to see him in my office tomorrow to do some x-rays. This medicine will hold him for tonight."

"Thanks Dr. Jeffries."

"If you see any change in his condition call me immediately." I nodded and walked Dr. Jeffries out.

"So when are you due?" Dr. Jeffries asked as I walked him to his car.

"Six months. I'm having twins."

"Jacob's the father?"

"No, we are just friends. I'm actually engaged to my children's father."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just thought you and Jacob were a couple. He's a very nice young man. You two make a cute couple." He chuckled.

"I figured with all the tears flowing you two were more than friends. Excuse my bluntness Cadence."

"It's okay. These hormones have me crying all the time. I could see a ladybug and start to cry. I lied. I did care for Jacob more than a friend.

"Thanks for coming Dr. Jeffries, I was so worried about him when I saw him just lying there. He won't tell me who did it and he wouldn't let me call 911 so you were the first person I thought about."

"I'm glad you did. I've known Jacob since he was a little boy and he can be stubborn. Although Jacob use to be a fighter back in the day, I've never seen him like this before."

"A fighter?"

"After his sister died, it really got to him. He would drink and have bar fights but it would be the other person that would get all the damage. The person who did this either caught him off guard or he didn't want to fight back. Jacob can come off having a strong personality and conceited but he has a heart of gold. For him to call you, you mean something to him. Garrett, Chris or his mother would have been the one he would have called."

I looked at Dr. Jeffries and looked away. I did have unresolved feelings for him, but I loved Evan. I felt at this moment I was cheating on Evan.

"I want to see him by nine am to do his checkup. Gloria, my nurse, will see to everything before I get there. Remember wake him up every few hours and give him the medicine when he needs it. Good luck with your twins and and your engagement. Good night Cadence."

"Good night, Dr. Jeffries."

I watched him back out of the marina. The sky was now dark with a few twinkling stars. I needed to call Evan because it was almost eight pm. I pulled out my phone and I didn't see any missed calls. My fingers trembled as I pressed the numbers to dial him. The phone went straight to voicemail.

"Hey honey. I know it's late, but I am working on a project with my group. The professor assigned us groups today and so we had to meet. I'm still at Anita's house and since she lives a little ways out, I might just stay with her. This project is a big portion of my grade so I have to do well. Anyway, I need to get back. I love you and I will see you either later tonight or in the morning. Sweet dreams and the babies send their love. Good night." I hung up the phone.

Damn I hated lying to him. We promised to always be truthful but he wouldn't understand. I looked up at the sky and prayed that Jacob would be okay and that Evan wouldn't be upset. I walked to my car where I had some extra clothes in a bag. I locked up my car and headed to the boat.

When I walked in Jacob was lying on his side looking at me.

"Dr. Jeffries said I needed to stay to make sure you are okay with the concussion, if you want me to call someone else to watch you I can?"

"No, I want you to stay."

I swallowed. The last time I stayed we were in very uncompromising positions. Thoughts of that night entered my mind. It was the first time I wasn't scared of him and there was an affinity of attraction that led us down a path that neither one of us expected.

"Do you mind if I shower and borrow one of your t-shirts. I have blood on mine," I said showing him. Why are you showing him goofy girl?

"Of course, sorry about that." He went to raise up but I stopped him.

"Just tell me where they are and I can get it."

"I can get it!" He said demanding but I could see the pain in his face.

"Jacob don't make me hurt you even more. You need to rest. You are in no condition to get up."

"Fine! Second drawer."

Why was he so hostile?

I opened the drawer and pulled out the shirt. I looked up on the dresser and saw pictures of him and his family. I smiled and looked again to see a picture of us at the awards banquet. I stared at the picture in front of me. I was smiling and he was smiling back. I rubbed my fingers across the glass and looked back at him through the mirror.

"I thought this was for the hospital's newsletter?"

"It is," he said softly.

"Then why do you have the picture?" I said looking at the picture and then back at him.

"It's a nice picture of us. It was our first date."

I sat the picture back down.

"Jacob I shouldn't be here. I made my decision and I feel guilty being here. I love Evan and I am marrying him."

"I know this weekend right?"

"How did you know? No one knew that but he and I."

"He wanted to buy you a house in Italy as a wedding present. He called me to get the details and to expedite a closing to present to you on your wedding day."

I was stunned. Evan said no one would know and now Jacob was telling me he knew. Why was Evan buying me another house? I wasn't into all these materialistic things?

"Did you meet with him about this today?"

He was quiet. His eyes from me to the wall.

"Damn it, talk Jacob! Did you meet with him today?"


"Did he do this to you? Don't you dare lie!"

"I had pictures of us in my office. He saw them and I came clean. One thing led to another and we fought. Just two overly emotional guys fighting over a woman that they are both in love with. I'm not going to deny my feelings for you. I love you Cadence."

"Stop it Jacob. You have to let go. In one week you confessed your love for me. I've known Evan for over a year and I'm carrying his babies. Let us be a family. Let these kids grow up with their father." I felt hot tears coming out my eyes.

"I know but I can't. I just can't turn off my feelings for you like a light switch. I think about you every night before I go to bed, I dream about us living the happily ever after, and I see your face every time I close my eyes," he said with water in his eyes. He was making me second guess myself.

"Let me call someone to watch you. I can't do this."

"Stop running from what you feel. You don't have to marry him. We can raise those children together."

"No, Jacob. How many times do I have to tell you no?" I looked at him not realizing he was easing out the bed. He limped over to me and cornered me with my back hitting the dresser.

He put his hands on each side of me to block me in. His face was only inches from mine and I felt his warm breath sending goosebumps down my spine. He was so close that my heart sped up and I could feel a light sheen starting to form between my breasts.

"Why are you trembling Cadence?" His voice was seductive, frightening and tender hearted at the same time. I could see his eyes staring at me trying to inhibit my soul. Was he the devil trying to invade my soul?

"I'mmm notttt," I said trying to get the muttered words out. Why did I want him to touch me? No this was not right. I loved Evan.

"Tell me you don't love me and I will back away. I will leave you alone and let you marry him. You and him can be the family you long for and I won't try to stop you."

I leaned in and kissed him. I couldn't help myself as the tears poured down my eyes. Why was life so hard? I did love him but this just wasn't the right time. I wrapped my arms around him and held on to him tight as if he was keeping me alive. He deepened the kiss as our tongues seem to nourish one another. It was pure bliss, it was happiness but my heart started to ache, my chest became heavy and my head started to spin.

I pulled back. "No this is wrong. I'm so sorry I should have never stayed. I need to leave before I hurt to many people."

"You don't have to go. That kiss said it all," he said rubbing the side of my face. I leaned into his touch.

"This is wrong Jacob. I don't belong to you. You have to give me back."

"I can't. I know In my heart you don't want me to give you back and I just can't."

"Stop it Jacob. I am too weak around you and that is not fair to him. You have to let me be."

"As long as I have breath in my body, I will never let you go."

I needed to leave, but something kept taunting me.

"Why did you call me? I need to know. Did you want me to see you like this and think Evan was the big bad wolf? I know you use to fight and I think you did this to use as a ploy to get me here to confess that I love you? Tell me the damn truth! Did you think because you and Evan fought over me that I would run to you and I would leave Evan?

He was quiet. He turned away.

"Don't use me as a pawn in your little old twisted game. My heart and emotions don't need the added aggravation. Leave me alone Jacob."

"I'm sorry it was not suppose to work out this way."

"So this was your plan to get me here," I said wiping the tears. I felt myself getting angry.

"The pictures in my office have been there since we were together. I was hoping you would see them after I told you I loved you, but he saw them. I'm sorry that he saw them, but I'm not sorry that you know I had them. You mean a lot to me and I think of you as more than a friend. I love you. Hell if you want me to shout it to the rooftops I would. Somehow you came into my life for a reason and you have turned my life upside down. I didn't mean to fall in love with you but I did." He grabbed his side. I could see him in pain.

"Jacob?" I said as I grabbed him before he fell. I helped him to the bed to lie down.

"Do you need some more medicine?" He nodded yes and I got up to get him the medicine and some water.

"Here let me help you," I raised him up and helped with giving him his medicine. He laid back down.

"Please just stay if only for tonight. I need you, Cadence."

I walked away into the bathroom speechless. I needed to take control but so many emotions were going through me. I gripped the sink with both hands until my knuckles turned white.

I looked in the mirror and the person staring back at me wasn't me. She looked like me but there was something different about her.

I need you.

The words repeated over and over in my head. I couldn't turn my back on him. Even if it was for one night if something was to happen to him, I would never forgive myself. How could I be in love with two men? Someone was bound to get hurt and I would never forgive myself. I needed to be strong but I was just to emotionally weak.

I looked down at my hand and I still had his shirt. I took off my clothes washed my face and put on his t-shirt. He needed me and it just wasn't in me to leave him like this. Over and over my heart was telling me to stay as my mind was telling me to go. Just stay tonight, take him to the doctor and drop him off in the morning. Yes that's what I will do, I told myself. I took my hair a loose and ran my fingers through it. I looked in the mirror as I took one last deep breath.

"Lord please give me the strength I need to do this. You know I love Evan but the temptation with Jacob is so strong. Please guide me to make the right decisions for my children and myself. Watch over Jacob and please watch over Evan. Please have mercy on my soul. Amen."

My hand reached for the door and I jerked it back as if it was a hot coal. I closed my eyes for one brief moment then twisted the knob. I walked out the bathroom slowly as I felt like I was walking into the lion's den.


Since you guys loved the last chapter by voting and commenting, I thought I would give you a little more. What happened to all my Evan's fans? I was like floored. (Lol) How do you think Cadence is going to survive the night with Jacob? Would love to hear your thoughts?

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