Chapter 2~ Family History

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Cadence POV

My eyes began to water. The factual realization that there was a living being growing inside of me came to a full swing. I reached the results to Evan. I stared at Dr. Townsend when I saw Evan jump up.

"Oh my god Cadence, you have given me the best present in the world." He pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my forehead.

"I promise to be the best father to this child. I love you so much."

I started to cry. Deep down inside, I knew it was Evan's baby but why did I feel the way I did? I should be dancing on the tables but a piece of me wished it was someone else's child. I love Evan don't get me wrong but deep down if this was someone else's child, I would still keep it and love them.

"Congratulations," Dr. Townsend said.

"Thank you," Evan said. He looked down at me.


I laughed. "I knew the baby was yours but it is a relief that you know this baby was created by you and me."

"I think we should celebrate," he said.

"Cadence I would like to run some additional test."

I turned around. "Is everything okay?"

She waved her arm for me to have a seat. This couldn't be good news. Evan looked at me and took his seat.

"After doing the blood test, I saw traces of Rh blood. There are four major blood types: A, B, O, and AB. The types are based on substances on the surface of the blood cells. Another blood type is called Rh. Rh factor is a protein on red blood cells. Most people are Rh-positive; they have Rh factor. Rh-negative people don't have it. Rh factor is inherited though genes. Since we don't have any of your family's history, I would like to be safe and do more testing."

I was floored. Maybe this was my punishment for the lifestyle I lived.

"I don't understand Dr. Townsend," Evan said.

She walked from behind her desk with a flipchart. She opened it up and showed us the diagrams.

"When you're pregnant, blood from your baby can cross into your bloodstream, especially during delivery. If you're Rh-negative and your baby is Rh-positive, your body will react to the baby's blood as a foreign substance. It will create antibodies (proteins) against the baby's blood. These antibodies usually don't cause problems during the first pregnancy."

She flipped the page.

"But Rh incompatibility may cause problems in later pregnancies, if the baby is Rh-positive. This is because the antibodies stay in your body once they have formed. The antibodies can cross the placenta and attack the baby's red blood cells. The baby could get Rh disease, a serious condition that can cause a serious type of anemia."

Evan grabbed my hand.

"Blood tests can tell whether you have Rh factor and whether your body has made antibodies. Injections of a medicine called Rh immune globulin can keep your body from making Rh antibodies. It helps prevent the problems of Rh incompatibility. If treatment is needed for the baby, it can include supplements to help the body to make red blood cells and blood transfusions."

"You said everything should be fine with the first pregnancy right?" I could see Evan getting nervous. I was still in a daze and I was glad he was asking questions.

"I would like to do an ultrasound. When I did the home visit yesterday, I thought I heard something. I just need to make sure my thoughts are correct."

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