Chapter 1 ~ Custody

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Cadence POV

I had been up all night, puking my brains out. Evan had been by my side since midnight- holding my hair back. I felt my entire being exposed as the wonderful meal my fiancée's mother prepared the day before was now being washed away in the white porcelain bowl.

"Baby drink this?" Evan said as he handed me a glass of water. Did he not realize that I had already had two glasses and even water came back up?

"No! I can't keep anything down. This is so miserable," I started to cry. This was my fourth trip in the last three hours.

"Cad, baby it is going to be okay. Come here," he said as he sat on the floor with me and rubbed my back. I turned around and he held me until I must have eventually fallen back to sleep.

When I woke up, Evan was rubbing my hair. He was fully dressed in a dark grey suit with a grey and silver tie looking very handsome.

"Feeling any better?"

"Some," I replied getting up.

"The girls are leaving in an hour. I think they are downstairs with Greta. Even if you wanted to leave you are not well enough."

"I need to see them off, plus the doctor's appointment and the hearing. I need to get up."

"Cad you need to rest, baby. You have been up all night." I could see him yawning.

"Thanks for being up with me. You have to be tired too."

"I'm tired but I'm use to it. How about I send the girls up here and have Greta fix you something? She's had three kids and I'm sure she can help out."

"Okay, sounds like a plan."

"If you are feeling better you can come to the custody hearing. I got a text from Brody that it's been moved to three pm and the nurse is coming here from the doctor's office to do the blood test at ten. So you can rest some more until then."

"Did you do that? Have the nurse to come here?"

"Yeah, I called Dr. Townsend early this morning and spoke with her. She's sending her medical assistant over here for the blood test and to check up on you. Dr. Plassiance sent over your medical records last night from New Orleans, since you will be probably be commuting back and forth. I rather be safe then sorry."

"You so good to me," I said looking up at him."

"I told you everything is going to be okay." He bent down and kissed me on the forehead.

"I'll go down and bring the girls up here so you can see them off. To be honest it was no way I would have let you leave after last night. You can't get on a plane sick."

He was right. The movement of the plane probably would have had me about to die. I needed a cold floor and Evan's bathroom floor was perfect.

"I'll be right back." He got up and left and the girls came in.

"I will see you two by the weekend. Remember be good for Emily and do well on your test. And don't forget to call me every night."

"We won't we love you and we are so excited that we will be getting a niece or nephew. We can't wait!" Ashley said sitting on the bed.

"Evan said you were sick all last night so you need to take it easy," Liv said rubbing my stomach."

"I will. I love you two so much." I started to tear up.

"That's our queue, you cry to much, Mrs. Imgonnacrybecausemyhormonesareoutofwhack."

"Ah, hush!" I said throwing pillows at both of them. We laughed and hugged as Emily was walking in.

My Life As An Escort ~ Book 2  New Beginnings  (Completed)✅Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu