Chapter 3~ Lover's Quarrel

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Evan POV ~

I sat in my office writing out checks for the household bills. I couldn't sleep, I was horny as hell and since Cad was knocked out I just grabbed a beer and went to my office downstairs. Since I was leaving for New Orleans with Cadence in a couple of days there were tons of bills and contracts to sign since they were due.

I would be gone a week and I needed to make sure Greta had everything she needed. Since I had custody of Kara and she had school, she would be staying with my mom. I couldn't just totally move to New Orleans so I called Jacob to see if he could sell my condo in New Orleans and find something for Cad.

Since Cadence was no longer working for Lilly, she would have to find another place to live in New Orleans. Lilly had told her she could stay in the house, but I wanted her with her own house that we shared together. I knew she and Lilly would remain close, but I didn't want her to depend on Lilly but on me.

When I spoke to Jacob earlier today, he seemed elated and said he probably had a few clients that would be interested in the condo. He seemed like a good guy so I didn't mind doing business with him. We finally closed the deal on the Westclover house and the renovations would be ready after the estimated birth of the twins.

Since Cad had a year left at Tulane, I didn't want to ask her to move to Atlanta. I wanted her to finish because she had worked so hard. Her classes started in a few days and since she wasn't showing she would continue on. In the spring she would take the last of her classes online. She was thrilled about the online classes. Somehow she was able to hook that up probably through Lilly.

If she wanted to work, I had a friend in Atlanta that sat on the hospital board and I was more than sure he could find her a place. But what I was hoping was that the twins would take up majority of her time and that she would just stay home. She had maternal instincts and I knew she would be a great mother.

I was excited that she would no longer be giving up her body to other men. I had told her I would wait, but I figured if I proposed she wouldn't do it any longer and I was right. Before long being an escort would be a distant memory. It's amazing where you can find love. Since the first night I touched her body so long ago, I felt she was mine. The first night she gave herself to me, I felt that connection and I knew I had to have her.

When she told me she was pregnant I was shocked. I figured she would tell me that the child belonged to someone else and that we were over. I don't think I could have handled that. I was allowing myself to love again and to have my heart broken again would have been very painful.

Cadence was important to me and I knew I had to make this work for us. When she wanted to do the blood test, I'm not going to lie, I was scared as hell. There was a possibility that someone else could have been the father so there was still a possibility that she could still leave me so I told her I would love the child even if it wasn't mine. She was so sure the baby was mine that I actually believed her even if the test would have proven otherwise.

Thank God the test had proven I was the father. I think she was more on edge then me. I think she wanted to prove it to herself more than to me. I didn't care but she had to prove she wasn't like Yaz and that I was absolutely the father. She didn't want any doubts from others that may have asked.

I had come to realize that a child needed not to have come from you for you to love them. Although Kara wasn't mine by blood, I loved her in all the ways possible. She was my child on paper and in my heart.

I lied to my family about the paternity of the twins at first because I didn't want any drama. I wanted Cadence and I to move on from her past and have a future together that would give her the love and happiness she desired. I would do anything to keep her happy. Now if people asked it wasn't a lie, they were mine. Cad adored Kara and being around her sisters, she just had that motherly instinct that Yaz knew nothing about.

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