Chapter 7 ~ We Belong

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Cadence POV

I walked out the bathroom door and closed it. I was only wearing Jacob's white dress shirt and thank goodness it was long. My stomach poked out just a little but it was still covered. I walked over to the bed to find Jacob sleeping. I kissed him on top of his head and walked out on the deck.

The night air brushed against my skin as the stars sparkled in the midnight sky. I had my phone in my hand so I decided to call Evan. It went straight to voicemail after the second ring. I had never known him to go without answering his phone so I left a voicemail.

"Hey honey. I've being trying to call you since late this afternoon. I'm worried that I haven't heard from you. Call me when you get this message."

I did not condone the fight that Evan and Jacob had earlier in the day. I'm more than sure that both men were in the wrong and to tell you the truth, I wasn't getting involved. Both men can be stubborn to a fault.

It's amazing I met both men the same night. Evan was the first man to touch my body. He told me how beautiful I was and made me not feel ashamed of my body. The first night we were together, there was a strong connection. Although I was paid to do a job, he never made it feel like a job. When we are together, I feel like I am the only one that can give him what he wants and needs.

Then there's Jacob. Just as handsome, rich and intelligent like Evan. Jacob doesn't try to buy my love, but he likes to take control of the situations. I wish he would let things go. He just seems too intense at times. Don't get me wrong having that control has caused for things to ignite between us. I even let him have me in that one place no man has gone before. Evan even hasn't gone there.

"God, why can't I just love one? Why did I have to fall in love with them all? I could write a book of my great love affairs I suppose and hope others would learn from my mistakes. But then I guess they have all led me up to this predicament.

I will confess I love Evan and I love Jacob. Why does it have to be so hard? Evan is the father of my children and my fiancé. There was a reason, God gave me theses babies with Evan. Maybe this was suppose to be how my life turned out. Maybe the connection with Jacob is my one temptation. If we were meant to be together these would have been his babies instead of Evan.

Jacob has never treated me any different. My first real date with Jacob was sweet even if it was an awards ceremony. But I felt like he had chosen me out of the blue and not because he paid me to go. He has a sweet heart and his touches drive me freaking insane. Just looking into his eyes send chills down my spine. Even if I wanted to be with him, I couldn't. These babies deserve to be in a two parent household with parents that are willing to love them and provide for them.

I wiped away the tears that had slowly ran down my cheeks. I had made up my mind. My phone had started to ring. I looked down and saw it was Evan. I was pissed not only from the fight but he hadn't called me back.

"Hello, I've been trying to call you all day," I said rather harsh.

"Sorry, my phone had a little accident. When are you coming home? It's not safe for you to be out there without protection. You and the babies need to be home."

"I'll be home in the morning."

"Where are you? I can come pick you up?"

"I'm still researching on my project with my group."

"Maybe I should drop by and bring pizza."

"No, we have already eaten and the drive is too far. I better get going they are making funny eyes at me."

"Okay, but we need to talk in the morning."

"About what, Evan?"

"Nothing major. We will talk tomorrow. Remember get some rest and I love you Cad. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Remember it's me and you against the world."

"I know. I love you too. I will see you in the morning."

We hung up and my stomach was in knots. I ran to the end of the deck and puked. I hated lying. I hated lying especially to Evan, the man I loved. I ran in the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I finished I sat in the chair across from the bed. Jacob had turned to the opposite side where his back was facing me.

I was only here to watch over him and nothing else. My hands gripped the sides of the chair. I wanted to touch him, run my fingers through his hair and kiss him. It's bad enough I had already done that earlier and I felt dirty knowing I was a cheating fiancé.

Sit your ass in this chair and go to sleep! My mind was screaming at me.

Just being in the room with him spelled out trouble. I tried crossing my legs and an unusual sensation hit my core. Staring at him, memories of us in every position known to man and then some flooded my mind. His whispers of seduction against my hot wet skin, the way he never held back, the way he looked at me across the table and the way he held my hand sent me into a tizzy. The way we laughed and then this undeniable attraction that would burn up any romance novel just made it even more difficult.

Sexual urges crept through my body. Not even Robert, Paul or Evan have ever made me feel like this. With Jacob the attraction is so strong that he doesn't even have to look or touch me to make me want him. He is a sin and although we only shared a kiss and we haven't done anything, I feel I should be confessing to Evan.

I got up off the chair and headed to the bathroom. Maybe a cold shower would do me some good. My body had already formed a light sheen on top of my skin just thinking about Jacob. I turned on the water and waited. I took off Jacob's shirt and my underwear that were unbelievably soaked. I needed to get my hormones in check.

I got in the warm shower and every prick of water that touched my body sent a delicious chill through me. I opened my mouth and let the water run from my lips down to my chin. I grabbed the towel and soap. I lathered up and as soon as the towel touched my body I moaned.

My body was somehow on full alert and with every gentle touch it responded. I grabbed the wall in front of me with both hands. Why did he always do this to me. Every single time I think about him, this happens.

My tears mixed in with the flowing water leaving me there in pain. It wasn't physical pain but emotional. Why did he have to tell me that he loved me? Was it because I was giving myself to another man and he was jealous? Or did he feel the same connection I felt for him?

Tonight would be it. I would have to say goodbye. My head, my heart even my body would have say goodbye. It was tough to let Paul go, but he made it easy. He didn't love me, I was only good enough for a release. Robert made it easy, he just told me to go. And now my heart ached and clinched that I have to give Jacob up.

Evan and I will get married. Move away to Atlanta, I can start my career and raise our children. Those were my plans and now Jacob was going to denounce them for me.

I felt a presence as my sobs slowly faded away. I looked straight ahead at the tiles in front of me. Maybe if I held my breath he would go away. I felt the shower curtain pull as the wind chilled my arms.

"Why are you crying?" his deep voice resonated through the room. How could he hear me, the shower was on full blast?

I couldn't answer because if I did spill then he would know my secret. I felt two arms wrap around my waist and he pulled me back to his chest. I couldn't resist even if I wanted to. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Maybe if I didn't look at him this feeling would go away.

There was a pounding between my legs. My nipples hardened without him touching them and my skin felt ablaze. He held on to me without saying a word and just the closeness was going to make me orgasm. I bit my bottom lip and wrapped one arm around his neck and the other around his arms.

"You can always have this with me. I love you and I will always take care of you. You know deep down I am the only one that can make you feel like this. No other man can give you what you want and need. I love you baby and I promise I will be here with you always," he said whispering in my ear.

"I love you Jacob. I mean it. I wish we could be together but we can't. Maybe if the babies weren't in the picture I could be with you, but I have to sacrifice my happiness for theirs. Please forgive me." The tears poured out like waterfalls. I felt so emotionally drained.

I felt my body being picked up and carried to the bed. My eyes remained closed because I just couldn't fathom the fact that he was the one taking control of me physically and emotionally.

He laid me down and placed kisses all over my body. My nipples were hard as diamonds as they became perky and so sensitive that I could have come right then and there. My body was responding to each touch and then when he kissed my sweet spot, my body almost rose straight to the heavens.

I grabbed the sheets as if my life depended on it. His hot tongue speared my folds leaving me quivering and wanting more. I pulled his hair pushing him closer and deeper not wanting him to miss a drop. He twirled his tongue and sucked causing me to pull the sheets off the bed. My moans permeated throughout the room causing the walls to vibrate.

"Yes, oh my please don't stop. Please I beg you not to stop. I love you so much baby. Please don't stop!" I cried out as my hair was now stuck to my head as my knuckles turned white grabbing the side of the mattress. My orgasm ripped from out of nowhere leaving me breathless and then he entered me.

My breath became shallow as every centimeter slid in between my folds leaving a blazing trail of hot orgasmic bliss. I cried out as every rock hard inch of him went deeper and deeper until I swore I felt him beyond his destination.

His lips found mine as he kissed me and whispered how much he loved me. I felt it in every pour in my body as his lips glazed across mine. There was no feeling in the world that could compare to his touch, his sweet words, his tenderness that he was giving me. I cried not because it was wrong but because it felt so right.

He was right, there was a connection that I have never shared like this with any other person. It wasn't just sex it was like our entire beings were being woven together to make us lose ourselves in one another.

"I love you Cadence. I know you feel this because I feel it to. I promise if you ever need me I will be here waiting. I'm always waiting," he said before he kissed me and I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could. His lips connected with mine as if they were melted together. He lifted me and he slowly rocked me back and forth. Each stroke sent me flying higher and higher.

This was no mistake he and I both needed this. We needed each other. Would Evan understand?

I rocked my body meeting him stroke for stroke. The sensations were undeniable as my toes curled and my legs wrapped around him like a vice. I held on tight because I didn't want this feeling to end. I crossed my feet at the base of his back as my nails dug deeper into his back.

Every stroke had me clinching him tighter and tighter. Not only did he massage my walls, each deep stroke hit my spot leaving me delirious and wanting more.

"God, you feel so good," he whispered in the crook of my neck. He had always been my whisperer. Since the first time I met him I had always imagined what he would whisper in my ear. His voice, his whispers had always been buried in the back of my head and tonight those whispers softly caressed me. I was no longer jealous of his whispers to her because now they belonged to me.

Both of our bodies were now covered with each other's sweat as he kept angling his strokes. Each stroke brought promise of love, protection and want. Jacob was the One, and the more I denied it the more my heart broke because I had to make the ultimate sacrifice, my happiness.

"I can't hold on much longer," I cried out. "It's too much, my body is on fire Jacob, help me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The scream rejuvenated me as if all the bad air had been blown away. Now my mind was focus as I rocked harder giving him everything I had and more.

My body felt lifted and free as the air carried me to my orgasmic freedom. With one last stroke my body became weightless as my orgasm built up so much that my body went into uncontrollable seizures of pleasures. I don't know how long it lasted but I never wanted it to end with him.

My body slowly fell from the clouds as it poured with sweat and tears. My skin felt burned and sensitive and the fire between my legs was finally extinguished. My throat was dry as my lips were chapped. My hair was slicked to my head, as my nipples slowly went back to normal. I felt my face flushed as well as red passion blotches covered my body. This was my heavenly bliss.

I felt the world around us was slowly going back to normal but I knew with one simple touch, the fire would start again.

I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I was still sitting in the chair across from Jacob but instead of his back facing me he had turned around and was now staring back at me with those oceanic blue eyes.

So what do you think will happen with Evan? Will she confess her feelings about Jacob to Evan? Will she marry Evan or will she call it off? I would love to know what you think.

Thanks for reading, voting and sharing your awesome comments it helps me with the storyline.

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