Chapter 30 ~ Cursed

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Cadence POV

It had been three weeks since Evan started his rehab and still there were no signs of his memory coming back. I had been attending the sessions and they were becoming draining not only for him but for me. The doctor would ask questions and he would stare out and then nothing. He seemed to get angry and upset and would walk out on occasion.

Graduation was two weeks away and the week after the twins would be finally home. After talking to his doctors it was agreed that maybe we needed to head to Atlanta.

It had been months since Kara had seen us. Of course I spoke to her through Skype but it wasn't the same. I loved that little girl as if she was my own so I packed a few things and we headed to Atlanta.

The plane ride was quiet as Evan would be in deep thought or on his phone. I didn't bother him I just let him be. I hadn't moved back in the house but I was still living with Lilly but I knew a decision needed to be made by the time the twins came home.

It was still early when we arrived in Atlanta. We had finally landed and Dorothy met us at the airport. Dorothy hugged and greeted us and I could see the sadness in her eyes as she drove us off. Evan remained quiet in the front seat as we pulled up to his parents house.

We got out as his sister, dad and brother greeted us as we walked in.

"Kara is still in school, so I will pick her up in carpool," Dorothy said looking at her watch.

"Can I come with you? It seem like forever since I have had one of her hugs and raspberry kisses," I said.

"She will be surprised. I didn't tell her you all were coming," she said with a spark of happiness.

"Son, I can take you to your room if you like," Thurman said. Evan nodded and went upstairs with his bags. Dorothy and Emilia, his sister, pulled me in the kitchen.

"How has therapy been going? Is he remembering anything? How are you holding up? I pray for you all everyday?" The questions were thrown at me left and right.

"Girl, please she just sat down," Dorothy said.

"Actually nothing. He gets upset and walks out or he is on his phone talking to God knows who. I take him to his sessions, I visit the girls, finish up my graduation requirements and then I go home."

"So you have moved back home?" Emilia asked.


"Well are you going to?"

I looked at Dorothy for help. I didn't want to talk about this.

"Mother told us what happened and you have to understand Ebony is very manipulative. I wish I could strangle her."


"Mom, I know Evan loves Cadence. He would talk about her constantly. You have to make this work Cad. Hell have ya had sex yet? I love my nieces and I can't wait for them to get home but maybe if you throw a little something on him, he could remember?"

"Emilia that could complicate things," Dorothy said.

"I agree with Dorothy, Emilia. What if he doesn't want me anymore and I do it and we can't rekindle what we had?"

"How would you know if you don't try. In the next couple of weeks you have graduation and the twins coming home, so use this week to reconnect. Maybe take him out on a date and relive the romance you once have. You just have to play his role for a change. Show him what you two once had and give it all you got."

"Do you really think it could work?"

"Possibly, what do you have to lose?"

Emilia had the wheels turning in my head. Maybe reliving some of our moments could trigger a memory.

My Life As An Escort ~ Book 2  New Beginnings  (Completed)✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang