Travis moved his gaze to me, his eyes widening when he saw me.

I could feel my heart pounding and it felt like there was cotton in my ears.

But even though my ears were muddled, I could still hear some guy shout, "Looks like Travis lost the bet!"

My jaw dropped.


This was just perfect.

I looked into Travis' eyes for one more second before turning away, and taking a step back toward the apartment.

Harry followed beside me, neither of us saying anything the entire walk back.

When we got into the apartment I went to my room, closing the door.

I kicked off my shoes, took off my hat and then climbed up on my bed, sitting sideways to lean against the wall.

Ever since I had arrived at this school, my life had been turned upside down.

My family was not normal, Harry had ruined my social life, and Travis had broken my heart.

This was just perfect.

I wasn't sure what I had done to deserve what was happening to me, but I guess karma really was a bitch.

A knock on my door made me open my eyes, and I looked to see Harry open my door.

"Look, i'm really not in the mood for you to say I told you so, so please just go away." I said, fighting back tears.

"I didn't come to say I told you so, I brought this." He held up an ice cream carton.

I snorted.

"Girls like this crap right?"

"Yeah." I breathed.

He opened the door wider before he walked in.

I scooted over so he could sit next to me on the bed, handing me a spoon as he opened the carton.

We each took a spoonful before he leaned back against the wall.

I reached over to get another bite of the ice cream before bringing my knees up to my chest.

"Why do guys cheat?" I whispered.

"I don't know." He sighed. "Why do people cheat in general?"

"I mean, if you're that unhappy in a relationship just leave, why make it worse by cheating?"

"I guess some people want both safety and risk." He shrugged. "But you think people would've learned by now that having both never works."

"Have you ever been cheated on before?" I asked him.


"Well I don't recommend it, it sucks."

He chuckled at this for a few seconds before he turned more serious.

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