My Blood Bath (Pt. 1)

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His bloody hands ran up and down my body, leaving red steaks on my pale, exposed hips.

He gently nipped my neck and smiled up at me.

"You look so beautiful, baby," he growled as he laid me down on the ground.

I felt the still warm, thick liquid soak my crop top and my hair.

He smiled down at me, the blood still running down his cheeks gently. I slowly reached up and wiped it away from his mouth.

"We did such a wonderful job, baby," he said.

"Yes we did, baby," I answered, smiling widely.

He looked up a few feet away from me and his smile grew. I looked up with him to see the dead man's face feet from mine.

His eyes wide still frozen with fear, and his mouth hung open, blood still slowly dripping out of his busted lips.

"Mr. Johnson had it coming, and I'm glad you were the one at hand," Vic said, sitting up.

He stood up and the whole front of his dark jeans and dark shirt weak soaked, and shining with blood.

"You look so sexy, baby," I said smiling wider.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him as he began to pick up the body so it wouldn't smell. His arms tensed as he dragged the dead weight. I rolled on my stomach and propped my chin on my bloodied hands happily.

"You go upstairs and take a bath and I'll handle the mess this time," he said smiling.

"Are you sure?" I asked, drawing little patterns in the blood puddle.

"Of course, darling," he said smiling, I'll use what's good in him and put the rest of the blood in the jar," he said with a small grunt as he put the body on the table.

"Okay, baby, thank you," I said and stood up. I walked up the basement stairs and straight to the bathroom.

I turned the water on high and as warm has I could stand it. I stripped off my now red clothes and lowered myself into the rising water.

I purred to myself as the warmth surrounded me. I watched as the water slowly turn a dirty pink.

By the time the water filled the tub it was a red, a beautiful red. My head rested against the back of the tub as my eyes fluttered shut.

After a few minutes of silence the door opened and shut. I look over to see a half naked Vic stripping and making his way over to the tub.

I sat up slowly and scooted up a little bit, and he sat behind me. The water turned a dark red and it made my skin more pale.

I turned around and laid my head on his chest.

"Kellin," He said quietly, breaking the silence.

"Yes, baby?" I answer, snuggling closer.

He inhaled deeply, and cleared his throat a little. I can tell he was nervous because he had a light grip on my bare back.

"I want a baby," He said simply.

I stopped for a second and slowly looked up at him.

"A baby?" I repeated.

He nodded and his eyes widened ever so slightly, anticipation clouded them. He nervously bit his lip and looked away.

"Oh Vic... I'd absolutely love a baby," I said, gently cupping his still bloodied cheeks.

"Really?" He stuttered, excitement filling his voice.

"Yes I baby," I said, smiling wider.

He kisses me so sweetly, and he pulled my body closer. I kisses him back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He gently pulled away, out of breath slightly and his smile widened.

"Come on, baby... Let's go get us a baby," he said, his smile still plastered.

"Do I get to pick it out, baby?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course you get to pick it out baby, whatever one you want," He said, kissing my cheeks.

This is gay and weird and I'm apologising for this weird thing

I don't know what made me think about this but I did and I just love the thought of like Kellin and Vic being psychopaths together idk, I was originally gonna make Kellin have Bonnie and Clyde syndrome but ehhh

Oh well, enjoy this awkward mess

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