The Barton Kids (P.P.)

Start from the beginning

Lila likes to rough house. She will do "combat" stuff, like Auntie Nat taught her, and kick both Cooper and Y/N until they fought back. While in the other hand, Nathaniel kept crying. So there was no way for Y/N to fight a little girl while trying to calm down a crying baby. Cooper would shush her sister and just ignore her, some brother he is.

That was until, the Avengers doorbell rang. All the kids stopped talking, even Nathaniel stopped crying. F. R. I. D. A. Y. reported back to Y/N, telling her that Peter Parker was at the door for a question.

"Cooper, watch your brother and sister, I've got something . . . fun to do." Y/N left the three kids as she ran down the many flights of stairs in just a couple seconds. Well, they were on the ninth floor of the tower.

Y/N peeled open the door, seeing a slightly frazzled Peter standing there. She opened up the door all the way, smiling at the boy. "Hello, Peter Parker, how might I be honored to see you?"

Peter froze in place, staring at Y/N. "H-how do you know my n-name?" The boy begun fiddling with the ends of his sweatshirt he was wearing.

"I know everything, since I work, yeah, work at the Stark Tower." Y/N smiles at Peter, trying to reassure him, and make him less afraid of her. "So what do you need at this fine hour?"

"Oh yeah, um, is Mr. Stark here? I need to talk to him about my . . . gadget he gave me." Peter's eyes gaze down at the ground, not giving Y/N any eye contact.

She rolled her eyes, "Stark isn't here. But I am sure I can figure out the problem."

"No, no, it's fine, I can come by t-tomorrow." Peter stuttered as he turned back around to leave. Y/N giggles to herself and grabs Peter by the hood. She pulls him inside and runs back up the nine flights of stairs.

By now, Peter is shouting in fear, probably scared that he is being kidnapped by a teenage girl. Y/N pulled Peter upstairs to the living room, where the kids are waiting for her to return, and threw him against the couch. She re-grabs Peter by the neck of his shirt, flashing her fangs in his face.

Peter scrambles off the couch, falling onto the floor. This girl is a psycho, why did Mr. Stark hire her?

"Watch it, Spider-Boy," Y/N hisses in his name face. Peter immediately freak out again, and he pulls back the sleeve he was messing with. He attempted to shoot the girl with his webs, but ended up missing each time. Instead, he almost hit these small children near the couch.

"Go Auntie Angel!" Lila cheers from behind the girl Peter was fighting. Then it clicked in his head. The girl in fronted of him has fangs and super speed, he's fighting the Siren Angel.

The next thing Peter did was scramble off the floor and run away. "Pl-please don't suck m-my blood, M-Miss Siren Angel!" The boy hid behind his hands, only peeking through a few of his fingers.

Lila ran up behind Y/N and hugged her legs. "You, mister, are an idiot." Lila exclaims, hiding her face away from Peter. He gave the little girl a dumbfounded look.

Y/N gives a quiet giggle, retracts her fangs, and pats the young on her head. "Peter Parker, do I look like I hurt people? Do I look like a vampire? Actually don't answer that." Y/N laughs again.

"Oh-oh my god, then why did you freak me out like that?" Peter says, trying to catch his breath.

Cooper walks up behind Y/N, still holding his baby brother in his arms. "It's Y/N's way of saying hello to anyone, and as you can tell, she doesn't get out much."

Peter let's out a small laugh, but tries to hide it since Y/N flashed her fangs out at Cooper while glaring at him. Doesn't get out much my butt.
"Heh, but anyways, Peter, what did you need fixing about your suit?"

"But Auntie Angel," Lila whines, tugging on Y/N's shirt, "you promised to do combat with me."

"I promised you nothing, sweetheart," Y/N soothed, brushing her hand over Lila's head. "Besides, I need to get your brother to bed."

"I-I can help, if you want me too!" Peter exclaims, walking back over to Y/N. "I'm not doing a-anything and m-my suit can wait."

Lila jumps away from Y/N and runs over to Peter, smacking him right in the stomach. Then she smack him in the knees. Peter let's out a loud groan as he crashes to the ground.

"Alright there, Spider-Man, you take care of Lila and I'll put Nathaniel to bed. Cooper, you might want to get the poor boy ice." Y/N said, trying not to laugh at Peter who is on the floor, whimpering in pain.


After awhile, Y/N was finally able to get Nathaniel to bed, with the help of Cooper, who is now asleep as well. When she returned to the living room, Peter was laying down on the couch with Lila cuddled on top of him while he was watching the rest the Hercules.

Eventually, Y/N took Lila to bed as well. It took her a while because she had to get Lila's hands to let go of Peter's shirt, she's very stubborn.

Y/N returned to the living room, Peter still laying in the same exact spot she left him in. "So, buddy, when do you have to head home? Unless I need to put you to bed too?"

Peter sat up from the couch, giving Y/N room to sit by him, if she wanted to. "Nah, I told my Aunt that I was heading over to my friends house to spend the night, but he's in on it as well."

"Alright, alright," Y/N giggles, now sitting down next to Peter, "instead, show me what you do." Peter looked over at Y/N really confused and scared. "Show me your powers, Spidey."

For the rest of the night, Peter and Y/N went back and forth showing off their powers, telling stories, and being new best friends. At one point, Y/N didn't even notice her bat wings out behind her, and that's when Peter about had a heart attack.

And of corse, he wanted to touch them. A couple times, Y/N wanted to mess with the boy, so she kept smacking him with her wings. 

By the next hour, Y/N and Peter fell asleep on the floor hugging each other with Y/N's wings covering them both as a blanket. They don't even know how they ended up this way.

All of the Avengers came home early the next morning, three a.m. Clint came running down from the jet, only smiling at Y/N, then ran off to retrieve his children.

Nat came down next, immediately going to her room to sleep. Then the rest of the Avengers came down every so often.

Tony Stark was the last one down. At first, he was expecting Y/N to be asleep, but not with a boy, or even Peter. "Kid," Tony quietly laughed, "you've got some explaining to do."

Just finished my very first theatre show where I designed the set and a scene shifter 🤗

So now I'm watching FRIENDS and eating m&ms after being at my school ALL day.

love you all <3

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