Chapter 5-Circumstances

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  "Signed photos? You're giving out signed photos , Potter?" Draco's voice echoed from the back, he stopped behind Colin it was quite surprising that he was out of Hogwarts, he usually was inside Hogwarts, along with his two servants, Crabbe and Goyle. I immediately stood up, knowing that there would be a little argument around.

  "Everyone line up!" Shout Draco around the crowd. "Harry Potter's giving out signed photos!"

  "No, I'm not," said Harry anrily, as his fists clenched. "Shut up, Malfoy."

  "You're just jealous," said Colin, his body was as thick as Crabbe's neck.

  "Jealous?" said Draco, not needing to shout as half ovthe crowd from the courtyard was now listening. "Of what? I don't want a foul scar right across my head, thanks. I don't think getting your head cut open makes you that special, myself."

  I looked straight to Draco's gray eyes as I saw his eyes flickered, Filthy Potter, I looked surprised from Draco's voice popping up in my head. Did I just red his mind? I thought to myself, it was confusing.

  "Eat slugs, Malfoy," said Ron angrily, Crabbe stopped laughing.

  "Be careful, Weasley," sneered Draco at Ron. "You don't want to start any trouble or your Mommy'll have to come and take you away from school." He smirked, he put his voice into a high pitch and said, "If you out a another toe out of line-"

  A huge laughter from the other Slytherins in fifth-year came loudly.

  "Weasley would like a signed photo, Potter," smirked Draco. "It'd be worth more than his family's whole house-"

  Ron had pulled out his wand covered in Spellotape, as Hermione shut his book of Voyages with Vampires with a snap and whispered, "Look out!"

  "What's all this, what's all this?" Gilderoy Lockhart was striding up to us with his long turquoise robe following behind him.

  "Who's giving out signed photos?" Asked Lockhart, Harry started but cut off shortly by Lockhart stretching his arm and resting them around Harry's shoulders. "Shouldn't have asked! We meet again, Harry!"

  I looked at the crowd of people from Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Slytherin, seeing Draco slide smirking at Harry.

  "Come on then, Mr. Creevey,"  said Lockhart, still pinning Harry beside him. "A double portrait, can't do better than that, and we'll both sign it for you."

  Colin hurried his camera up to his face to capture a good picture of Harry and Lockhart, as he had clicked the camera the bell had rung, signaling the next class.

  "Off you go, move along there," Lockhart called to the crowd, as he set off to the castle beside Harry, some students followed Lockhart from behind to the castle. Hermione and Ron had disappeared from the crowd, as I was left behind while Draco walked beside me.

  "Why do you even hang out with a Mudblood, a Blood-traitor and a filthy Half-Blood?" asked Draco as I elbowed him.

  "Stop threatening my friends! And besides Harry isn't the only Half-blood here," I told him, as he realized what I meant.

  "Oh, sorry," he mumbled, as I looked surprised, sorry? That was new I thought to myself.

  "What was that? I didn't hear anything," I said, pretending that I did not hear what he said.

  "I said 'sorry'," he said, not sounding 'sorry' anymore. "Do you need hearing aids? Or do Madam Pomfrey need to check your ears for you?"

  "Geeze, calm down. Can't even get a joke," I told him, as I saw Crabbe and Goyle at the corner of my eye smirking at the both us as we got inside the castle and to Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. The rest of the students got inside the classroom, Hermione and Ron has sat down at either side of Harry as I sat down next to Draco with Goyle at the other side, while Millicent was sat down behind us with Crabbe and Pug face Parkinson.

The Half-Blood Princess / Draco Malfoy x Reader (YEAR TWO)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin