Chapter 2 - Another Congratulations

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I stepped out of the car after wiping the tears from my bright green eyes. I took out my headphones and left them on the back seat of the car where I had been sitting. I then dusted off the pastel pink dress my mom had given me for the ceremony and fixed my long brown hair ensuring that it covered the number on the back of my neck.

I now always keep my hair long so that I can cover it. I got sick of people staring and whispering and pitying when they saw that my number was so small.

Now almost no ones knows my age of death. That's what I call it at least. No one else does because they say it sounds too depressing, but it's true. It's not just the age of the person, it's the age of the persons death. We just call it age so it doesn't stress anyone out.

"Welcome Shanalee." My principle, Ms. Fox welcomed me opening the door to the graduation hall. "Come in and take a seat"

She was quite a tall lady, and on top of that she wore small heels. She always dressed like she was going to court or something, grey, beige and black were her only colours, and she would always wear a blouse with either a pencil skirt or dress pants. Her blonde hair was put back with a hair clip and her glasses secured the hair she let fall in front of her ears.

She gave me a smile and motioned for me to go in.

The room was small in length but the ceiling was high and the windows on each side made it seem bigger. There was a small stage at the front of the room where my current home room teacher and future homeroom teacher stood. There was two rows of 8 chairs in front of the stage where family, friends and guests sat. My family only took up 4 of the 16 chairs. One for me, one for my mom, one for my dad, and the last for my big sister.

I sat on the far left side, not bothering to sit lady like. My dad sat beside me with my mom beside him and my sister opposite from me.

Ms. Fox took her spot in the middle of the stage and began to speak.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Shanalee's graduation."

The small audience burst into applause. Except for me of course.

I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the ceremony, even though it was short, my attention span was shorter. I do this every year, so I'm pretty bored of them by now.

My old teacher said a little speech about me and how I've grown or whatever she said, and then my new teacher shook my hand welcoming me to his class. He then told us about what I will be learning in his class and rules and stuff like that. Then that was it. They have to do this for everyone student individually so they don't put too much of an effort into it.

I was relieved when it was finally over. If I had to hear one more congratulations I think I would have ripped my hair out.

"Congrats Shany" my sister gave me a wink.

That's it, these people want me to kill myself before my time is up don't they?

My sister really isn't anything like me, how are we even related? She's got lots of friends and is always happy and positive and has a sense of humour. It's probably because she's not gonna die until she's 82, she's got a life ahead of her, unlike me. My life was half over by the time I was 6.

Why was I even born if I don't have any time to do anything with my life? All I'm gonna do is hurt the people that love me when I die. That is why I have no friends, why I'm not close with my parents, why I don't talk with my sister. I push them all away. I'm noting but a ticking bomb that's gonna hurt anyone and everyone I am close to, so I push them all away so it will hurt less.

The car parked in the driveway before I had even realized that the engine started, I was too lost in thought.

I reached for the door handle of the car but it opened before I could reach it; I looked up to see my dad on the other side, smiling at me.
I nodded my head in thanks, looking down, and walking into the house and straight to my bed room.

I practically tore the dress off my body and dressed into my usual jeans and a t-shirt, I'm not too much into fashion. I put my headphones back in and lay face up on my bed, hating the world.

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