More Red Than Green This Christmas

Start from the beginning

Denise: What?We didn't!

Sasha: We did in those files they have that's why here so you tell me did we kill Hakeem? Conspiracy to kill,attempt to kill they told us half of what they got in those files it's the other half is why we still here and soon we will know once the case that is building around it comes together we fall apart before we know it,Merry fucking Christmas.

At the hideaway

They in the pool room

Malik:So what's next I can't leave my girl in there.

DeMarco: Which one Sasha or Denise sorry its confusing.

Malik:I thought we was pass that.

DeMarco: Fine my bad its just that we could have went to Shaé room and-

Malik cut him off

Malik:And then what she hates us and if I know my Ember so does she.

DeMarco:We'll talk to them soon but we need to be thinking about what was in the files the girls gave police.

Malik:Yeah but they hearing coming up and we know the judge is going to take them to trial no matter what and Sly...

DeMarco:Fuck Sly that son of bitch swear he knows what we been through we should've killed his ass when we had the chance to and maybe....Fuck!He said throwing his drink into the wall as he slid down the side of the pull table and Malik walked over to his side and sat by him then looked at him

Malik:And maybe...what?And maybe Hakeem would still be here and none of this would've happened yeah that's one thing I never thought I'd here you say.

DeMarco: You know what's most fucked up about all of this I pushed Hakeem into the business because I saw that every time I got ready to do some dirty work his eyes said daddy let me come but he never said it till he fourteen he said "Daddy you need family behind you that you trust so take me with you I want to be back so momma won't be crying worrying" so I just stood there because every since he was six his eyes said that but I finally heard it out his mouth but I was so happy so I took him me that and he caught on to shooting.

Malik:So that's the real reason you brought him to the drop I thought you was trippin' bruh.

DeMarco: What a fucked up Christmas.

Malik:Are you prepared for Kami,Nashaé and Melody when they really find out why,how and what Hakeem died for because Mel she thinks she knows but she has no idea but Kami she's going to be broken now Nashaé she doing all this to find out what happened who knows what she'll do when she finds the truth shidd her and Ember probably already know.

DeMarco looks at Malik and gets up and goes to his room and shut the door and Malik brings his knees to his chest and bury his head into his knees

Ember finally made it back to the house after walking from the hospital when she got to the front yard dried up blood was on the grass and do not cross tap was surrounding the house and the door was locked so she went around back and got the key out the pool and opened the slide door locked it back and seen the Christmas tree nothing has been touched she just fell to her knees crying

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