Chapter 27: Lost and Found

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The flock were eating cold ham and cheese sandwiches when they saw her.

At first, they thought that she was just a hawk or an eagle. She was heading their direction, and no one payed that much attention.

After a little while, they noticed that it was far too big to be either of those.

Sam was up in moments, leaping off the edge of the ledge and spreading his large brown wings and flying as fast as he could towards her. Followed by the rest of them.

"It's a girl! With wings!" Dean cried, only a few inches below Sam.

The girl began to falter, and she started to drop weakly as she saw that they were heading for her. Sam caught her last moment, looking her over. Long blonde hair. Small, skinny frame.

They slowly flew her back to the cliff, which was more of a cave carved into a mountain side than anything, they gently laid her down onto Castiel's abandoned trench coat. He had thrown it to his side when they had seen her.

Her eyes opened an hour later, after The Doctor had waved a sandwich under her nose to try to get her to eat.

"What's your name?" John tended to her various bruises and a particularly nasty claw mark on her side.

"R-Rose." she weakly took a sip of water, before almost gulping down the whole bottle.

Lizbeth looked up from the list in her hands, "She's on the list, she's from the Institute."

Rose nodded, eyeing Sherlock's half-eaten sandwich. Sam happily took it from him, giving it to Rose. He stopped her as he saw her practically inhaling it.

"How long has it been since they fed you there?"

"A week..."

"Then eat slow."

She did.

"Tell us what happened." Sherlock nodded to her. It had been two hours since she had been taken from the air, and she was exhausted. She had devoured three sandwiches, and drank two bottles of water and a can of lemonade that Beth had stuffed into the bottom of her pack. They had changed her into a slightly baggy green shirt and jeans, while Beth had brushed her hair with a comb.

"I escaped three days ago. T-Ten broke out of his cage. He opened mine next. W-We would have opened the other cages if we could have, I swear. B-But they hadn't given us any food and barely any water in a week." she suddenly gasped, jolting upwards, "Ten! I hope he's okay!"

"Ten?" Beth nudged The Doctor's shoulder, "That's your brother!"

"What does he look like?" The Doctor asked.

"Messy brown hair. Brown eyes."

Dean smiled and laughed, "Hey, Doc! You should call yourself Eleven!"

He smiled, "You know, I think I will."

"Okay then, 'Ven."



Ex-Experiments - A SuperWhoLock/Maximum Ride Fanfiction [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें