Chapter 11: Waiting For Freedom

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John was shivering in fear.
He had come so close to getting another surgery. Without pain relievers. Yet the promise of escape kept him going. It kept them all going.
Lestrade visited them daily, giving them steamy plates of food to get their strength up, and good news. That would usually calm their hyper active nerves.
Sam was warming up to everyone.
Then finally the night if escape came.
Lestrade told them his plan.
He would sign them up as bait for the newly formed Erasers (wolf/men hybrid guards). The enclosure for said Erasers to catch their prey was big, with plenty of room for them to fly. The ceiling was really just some metal wiring. It could be broken out of easily with some wire clippers. The problem was, they would have to fly out. The Winchester's didn't know how. Yet they would have to learn. And soon. This was the best he could do to help them escape.
He placed their crates on a large cart, and wheeled them outside into the enclosure.
To freedom.
Or to their deaths.

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