Chapter 8: Strength of the Many

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They had been here for days. Not counting the weeks they had been unconscious.
Dean folded his wings neatly against his back. He had grown accustomed to his graceful appendages, and was even beginning to like them. He had already became friends with all of them. He was part of the flock.
Sam was taking to it as well. He tried to stay close to Dean, as it made him feel more secure. Yet he wasn't as much a fan as Dean or Lizbeth.
Speaking of Lizbeth, she enjoyed her wings. She didn't, however, appreciate the experiments they performed on them.
But then again, no one did.
And this, they formulated a plan.
A plan of escape.
John and Castiel came up with it first. Every Tuesday a certain guard would come in. This particular guard, whose name none of them had bothered to remember, would... Flirt... With Lizbeth, to say the least. This was the basis, the inspiration, of the plan.
They decided that Lizbeth would flirt back for once. While the guard was distracted, she would take his ID card. From there, she could break free. And unlock all of the cages.
Alas, it didn't turn out that way.
Sure, the guard did come. Yet he only winked at Beth, and walked straight towards John's cage.
John screamed as he was dragged out by his feet, with one of the guards hands gripping onto his wings. Hard. Keeping him from escaping.
"No! John!" Sherlock cried, banging against his bars, reaching out for his friend. John's hand fell within inches of Sherlock's, yet was yanked away at the last moment. Lizbeth was straining her wings against the sides of her dog cage. She had once gotten a faulty cage, and broken out using this method. It had taken three scientists and five erasers to drag her back in.
"Sherlock!" John exclaimed.
The door shut.
John was gone.

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