Chapter 26: The Owner Of It All

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Abbadon owned everything, it seemed.

The School. The Institute.

That was why she was practically made of confidence as she sauntered carelessly into the conference room. She sat in her usual spot, at the head of the table, her red hair framing her face. A glass of whiskey was placed gingerly in front of her.

"How are the experiments coming along?"she asked, red lips leaving a stain on the glass as she took a sip.

"We successfully created a female fox/human hybrid!" Dr. Anderson stood up.

"Very good," she smiled, "And what of the avian hybrids?"

"The institute has eight of them. Each with their own abilities."

"I recall there being nine." she eyed them.

"Harriet Watson expired a week ago."

Abbadon sighed. "Ah well. And the others? Who are they?"

"Michael: 15 years old, three brothers. He had above average speed while running, sometimes reaching up to 400 miles per hour. Lucifer: 15 years old, three brothers. He can lift up to 20 times his weight, yet he has yet to learn to swim. Gabriel: 14 years old, three brothers, extreme temperature resistance, and needs much less water than most. Rory Williams: 12 years old, only child. He heals quickly, and can mentally revive himself from things such as drowning. Amelia Pond: 12 years old, only child. She can blend into her surroundings seamlessly. I would like to point out that Amy an Rory are now dating. Molly Hooper: 11 years old, no siblings, and is able to hack into computers with mere touch. Ten: 13 years old, one sibling. Telepathy. Rose Tyler: 13 years old, no siblings, and can breathe through any toxic chemical. Without a gas mask. But, Miss Tyler escaped yesterday."

Abbadon groaned, "Another gone. And what of the School? How are the avian hybrids there?"

All the scientists grimaced, "Well, Ma'am, About that.... They sort of... Escaped?"

"Tell me about them anyway," she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"John Watson: 13 years, one deceased sibling, can heal himself and others with mere touch. Sherlock Holmes: 14, one sibling that is not an experiment, and can notice everything in a room. The amount of dots on the wall... Scratches on glass. Everything. Castiel: 15, three siblings, is able to fly at up to 300 mph. The Doctor: 13 years old, one brother, has telepathy. Lizbeth Winchester: 11 years old, two siblings, only female avian hybrid in the facility. Sam Winchester: 12, two siblings. Dean Winchester: 15 years old, two siblings."

"And what can those Winchester's do?"

"Well, Miss Abbadon, they escaped before we could tell."



Sorry for any misspellings.

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