Chapter 17: Assess the Damage Done

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Bobby wrote down their changes.
He recorded the Winchester's height and weight, and found out that it had been drastically altered. Sam- He had been about 5'4, 122 lbs. Average height and weight for a 12 year old. Well, he was now just over 60 lbs, and 5'8. Beth was even worse. Used to be 99lbs and 5'2. Again, perfectly normal for an 11 year old. Well, the scientists must have changed it little by little over the weeks that they were gone, because Beth was now 40 pounds. She should have been dead, or at least badly anorexic.
But, no.
She looked rather skinny, sure, but besides that she looked normal.
Bobby then rooted around to find clothes that would fit the teenagers small forms. Putting the clothing in a neat pile, he then researched the School, and hacked into their website.
He looked up Beth's name first. It led him to a page of links.

Lizbeth Winchester:

He clicked on 'Surgery' first.
He almost had to look away.
Graphic pictures and diagrams popped up all over the screen. Detailed descriptions of what had happened filled in any blank spaces- With gruesome pictures of them grafting the wings to her back and adding muscles that weren't supposed to be there. How they had done over 20 different surgeries and alterations over the weeks that she had been there.
He skipped the rest of it, and went to 'Recovery'.
Again, he despised what he saw. Horrible pictures of her lying unconscious in some dog cage, or screaming at them to let her out. Videos of her sobbing until she could barely breathe, or how she banged the bars so hard that her fists were raw and bleeding.
Bobby skipped the rest of that one too, hoping to find something helpful about them in 'Details'.
It said the basics. Height and weight. Wingspan. Siblings. The usual, however usual this could get.
He looked up 'Castiel', who was the boy currently curled up in a nest of blankets in the corner.
Then 'The Doctor', who was sleeping on the other couch across from Beth.
'Sherlock', who was sleeping on the kitchen table with 'John', his arms wrapped tightly around the smaller teen.
Dean and Sam, who shared the same couch as Beth.
And somehow Bobby knew he had to protect them, no matter what happened.
He just had to.

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