Chapter 12: Our Emotions Decieve Us

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"Good luck." Lestrade whispered to each of them. Their crates had been put down in a straight line, at the back wall of the enclosure. Erasers were lined up on the wall in front of them, about 400 feet ahead. They were so very close to escape, if they could survive this. A timer was beeping down until their cages were opened, and they would have to fight for their lives.
"Remember to flap, Bethy." The Doctor reminded Lizbeth.
"Sammy, be strong." Dean pleaded.
"De, I'll try, I promise." Sam said back.
"Fly!" John cried, leaping out of his cage and spreading his large wings. They hadn't been moved like this in so long, and it felt so good. He quickly gained altitude.
Sherlock followed soon after, almost breaking his cage apart as he flew out of it.
Dean and Sam sprinted out together, attempting to get a running start before they flew for the first time. Castiel was zooming upwards faster than they could see, almost crashing against the top of the barred enclosure.
The Doctor was out last, flying straight up and taking the wire cutters out of his clumsily sewn on pocket. He started to clip a large hole. It would be their method of escape.
John and Sherlock circled over the Winchester's from above, taking out the Eraser's that got close to them. Their legs were still shaky from so little use. They could barely run. So, Dean decided to fly.
He fully extended his greyish tan wings, and clumsily started to flap. An Eraser was at his heels, almost biting him as he took off. He gained a few feet, only to fall a little bit. He repeated the action until he was circling (albeit clumsily) with John and Sherlock.
The Doctor was almost done cutting the hole. "WATCH OUT BELOW!" He cried as a particularly large section of metal plummeted, nearly falling onto Lizbeth, who was fighting off a small gang of Eraser's with surprising ease.
Sam took off next, giving frantic flaps until his feet left the hard ground. He gingerly made his way higher and higher into the air. He tucked his wings in as he zoomed out of the hole, and into the open air, whooping with glee. Castiel went even faster now, grazing his wings against the jagged bars. Then Dean, who had never looked happier. Sherlock did flips in the air, laughing. John almost cried out with joy.
Lizbeth was struggling to get off the ground. She was flapping, sure, but she wasn't flying. Her feet were only a foot from the ground. She wasn't getting high enough. She was vulnerable like this.
An Eraser grabbed her.
"Bethy!" The Doctor cried, folding in his wings and plummeting down toward her. Lizbeth struggled out of the Eraser's grip, only to be grabbed by two more. He grabbed her by her shoulders, and yanked. Lizbeth screamed as her shoulder popped out of its joint. Frick, that hurt! She fell out of the Eraser's hands, being slowly dragged upwards by the Doctor. An Eraser suddenly jumped up and bit into her leg. And thus, they both collapsed to the ground.
And then Lizbeth felt something.
A drop of power overwhelming her fear. The Doctor was grasping her wrist, yet she didn't even notice. The Erasers were getting closer.
30 ft.
They stopped under Lizbeth's gaze, about five feet from the two bird-kids.
They shuddered.
And then they started crying.
They collapsed, sobbing uncontrollably as tremors of sadness crashed through them like a wave. Lizbeth forced herself to her knees, despite her injured leg. She took the Doctor's hand, and they both slowly flew out of the hole.
The flock met up about ten miles away to catch their breath, finally free.
"What happened?!" John exclaimed, already healing Lizbeth's wounds, and popping her shoulder back into place.
The Doctor smiled. "Beth... Beth has a power."

Ex-Experiments - A SuperWhoLock/Maximum Ride Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora