"Aww .. that's one cute nickname you got their kitten"Harry whispers sliding close to him and rubs Niall's cheeks with his thumb softly ,yet cheekiness oozing out of his voice.

That doesn't go unnoticed by Niall as he pulls back a little , attempting to glare at him looking more like a kitten as he says "Don't count your stars yet Stella"

"Gosh you sound sexy kitten" Harry whispers stealing a kiss from Niall's inviting lips all the while rubbing his thumb at the back of Niall's palm.

"Soo what is the plan?" Harry asks wanting to know what Niall wants to do. They are going to celebrate and he has got no clue what to do . So , he decides to just do whatever Niall wants to do today.

"Nothing. I just , I thought what if we spent it in your flat ?" Niall shrugs asking . finally easing into Harry spending whole day with him. He knows he can't change his mind, once Harry decides on something it is hard to change his mind and right now he doesn't mind his decision at all.

"You don't want to go to restaurant or park or mall?"Harry asks a little surprised at Niall's suggestion to stay at home.

"No , lets have our own night, you know some movie , good food and all that" Niall says happily and then asks shyly wanting to know if Harry would like that " 's fine with you?"

"More than fine." Harry says agreeing immediately without any argument , anywhere is fine with him as far as he is with Niall. He then adds cheekily winking at Niall "God I can think of many things that we can do !"

"Can you now?" Niall asks raising an eyebrow at Harry's not so innocent suggestion.

"Mhmm..yeah" Harry says , his fingers trailing inside Niall's blue skirt , the one he bought for his kitten , at the same time teacher enters the class.

Goosebumps rake over Niall's skin and he quickly grabs Harry's wandering fingers , intertwining with his again stopping them from moving as he says "Down tiger , the teacher is here and by the way I too have somethings on my mind" , he whispers cheekily turning to the front now as the teacher begins his lecture.

"And what are they?!" Harry calls Niall's pulling by his arm as they start moving towards the canteen. Almost half day is gone by and he has been trying to get Niall to spit out his surprise but to no avail. The blonde wouldn't budge and hit him on the shoulder once for almost getting them thrown out of the class.

"Not telling you babe, 's a surprise" Niall grins smartly glancing at Harry as they enter the canteen.

He chuckles at Harry as the jock is pouting as they get into the line for food . He takes his tray and turns around quickly planting a soft kiss on Harry's lips , not able to resist those sinful lips and Harry being oh so cute. Harry grins cheekily moving close to Niall as they move forward in line, he knows Niall's reluctance of PDA, the way he gets self-conscious and shy so it always warms his heart when Niall goes beside himself and shows affection to him in public.

They walk back to their bench, not really paying attention to the other boys already sitting.

"C'mon kitten I am asking you since first period. Tell meeee"Harry pleads as they both keep their trays and Niall slides into his seat chuckling slightly , as Harry reluctantly follows.

"Can't" he quips , having fun in teasing Harry.

"Hey what's going on why is Harry begging ?" Louis loud voice makes them look away from each other and infront. Niall laughs at his friend's words while Harry glares at the loud boy muttering a short "I am not"

"Oh he is" Niall quips , enjoying this situation very much because something about Harry curious , pouting and wanting to know so eagerly gets to his heart and makes him happy.

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