Winter Soldier x Reader// It Tends To Happen

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Words: 1668
Warnings: Mentions of torture and death; Reader wears an hijab; italics are Russian.
Prompt: *Request from TwiceTheImagination * HYDRA needed a new caretaker for their Winter Soldier. They decided to take a girl from her home. She isn't fluent in Russia and wears an hijab, which other Russian soldiers tend to make fun of her for. Though throughout the time Winter Soldier and Reader spend together, they start to fall for eachother.
You followed the man in uniform down the dark halls. He was explaining what you would be doing for, well until you weren't needed anymore.

You'd be working with the Winter Soldier.

HYDRA wanted you because you were very smart in the scientific department. Even though you were a Islamic woman who wore a hijab in the sixties, that didn't stop you.

You were quite nervous. Being a caretaker for the top murder in the world, anyone would be nervous. Though it wasn't just him that would make you nervous.

It was most of the other soldiers and people you'd have to interact with. In the 60's, no one is to understanding of other cultures. So for you to be wearing a hijab because of your own cultural reasons around Russian soldiers, that was enough to make you want to run. Plus you didn't know really any Russian and that just made everything worst.

You noticed that you stopped outside a metal door. A very big metal door that had no openings. You looked at Huggard, the man who was in charge at HYDRA at the time. Lucky for you, he spoke English. "You will come here everyday and make sure that he is compliant. You will write down what he is thinking about so we know what to get rid of. Do not, under any circumstances, get to close to him." You looked at him in confusion. "Emotionally. You won't like the aftermath."

Even though his accent was thick, you understood every word. You nodded and he unlocked the door. Right before the final lock, he started to speak again. "You'll get three hours with him a day. You will be locked in until that time is over. Do you understand?"

You nodded quickly at his harsh tone. "Yes sir."

He took one final look at you, rolling his eyes at his hijab and unlocked the door. With the door wide open, you gulped and sighed. You slowly walked in and jumped when the door slammed behind you.

You took in the room before you. It was disgusting. There was some kind of pipe leaking, cement walls, bugs crawling around, some moldy stuff and a mattress just laying on the ground.

On the mattress laid the Winter Soldier, back to you, as he slept. He some how didn't awake by the slamming door so you knew he rarely got sleep. You pulled up the chair from across the room and sat it at his mattress.

You took out a notebook and pen and began to write down some things you already noticed. You were writing when he started to shake a little.

You stopped and watched him curiously. He was muttering things in Russian and English. You wrote down some of the things you could and hear and understand. You jumped when he shot up, gasping for breath.

He looked around the room and his eyes landed on you. He looked confused as to why you were there. "Hello." you whispered.

He wanted to slam you against the wall and kill you for being in here. Though something stopped him. He looked into your E/C eyes and froze. He was amazed by your beauty. Though he was confused as to why you were covering your hair. He didn't even know what the thing was but he knew better than to ask questions.

"I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N. I'm going to be your caretaker." He nodded slightly and put his head in his hands.

You knew he wouldn't open up to you immediately but you didn't want to get hurt. You had to get something for them to look over. "Did you have a nightmare?"

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