Tony Stark x Reader// What the fuck is wrong with you

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Word Count: 364
Warnings: None
Prompt: You don't like Tony and he decides to come in the lab and mess with what you're working with. Then he does something terrible.
You were sitting in one of the many labs in Avengers Tower. You were looking through the many lines of microscopes you had lined up. They all had different bacterias underneath and you were trying to figure out which one was most deadly.

You were working in peace. You had peaceful music playing, no one was bothering you, your H/C was pulled back in a bun. Thank god the lab was soundproof or you wouldn't of been able to do this.

You looked through another scope when the door opened and closed. Thinking it was Bruce you continued with work. Until the obnoxious voice that you hate. "What are you doing?"

You groaned and let your head hit the table. Tony fucking Stark. You literally could not stand that man. You didn't know why, you just knew you couldn't stand him.

You heard him pick up one of the little plates and your head snapped up. He had picked up one of them and you started to walk towards him. "Put it down."

He looked at you with raised brows. "Oh. Is it important?"


"Too bad."

You wanted to yell. Not at him. Yet. Just in general. "Please Tony, its very important." you said, inching closer to catch it if he dropped it.

He smirked at you. "Oh, we're begging now. I could get used to this. But you should probably get on your knees so it looks more like it."

You gave him a ridiculous look. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He rolled his eyes but you were serious. "I'm serious. What is it?"

He went to talk but all the sudden, he dropped the bacteria. "No!" you yelled and dove for it. But you were too late.

You stayed on the ground for moment before standing and brushing off your pants. You looked at him and he gulped under your murderous glare. "You have 5 seconds to run and find a place to hide before I kill you."

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