Thor Odinson x Reader// Pop tarts

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Word Count: 382
Warnings: None
Prompt: You go out for some pop tarts and meet an interesting guy.
You never knew why, but ever since you were a child, you were in love with pop tarts. You didn't know why you loved them, you just did. So imagine the disappointment when you come home and find your pantry empty of any pop tarts.

You slammed your car door shut and walked inside the store. You hated going to the store because you didn't like people looking at you. Because honestly, they must think that their day isn't complete without staring at a complete stranger.

You walked to the pop tart isle and looked for Y/F/PT. You grumbling about how you couldn't find it and almost gave up before you noticed it.

It was the last box and you smiled in victory. You went to grab but another hand grabbed it the same time as you. A much a larger one at that. Your eyes travelled up the arm and you saw a man standing in strange clothes that included a cape. Then you realized, it's Thor.

You narrowed your eyes at him and put on a fake smile. "Excuse me, these are mine. I saw them first."

He looked at you and back at the box. "Well these are my favorite." he said, quite loudly.

You both took your hands off and stared at each other. "Really? Mine too."

"It's the last box..."


"Do you not know who I am?"

"You're Thor, an Avenger or whatever." He smiled big. "I don't care." His smile fell.

You both had a stare down for a moment longer before he gave up and handed you the box. "Thank you."

You went to walk off before he spoke again. "They are not free." You turned back around and gave him a confused look. "You are going to have to give me something."

You raised an eyebrow. "How about, I take you to a nice a food establishment?"

You turned a little red. "Like a date?"

His big smile came back. "Of course."

You thought about it for a moment. Do you really wanna go on a date with THE Thor?

Hell yeah, bragging rights.

"Okay. I guess we'll be going on a date."

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