Tony Stark x Reader// Im Done

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Word Count: 903
Warnings: Might get a little sad
Prompt: You were tired of Tony. You couldn't stand the drinking or partying anymore. It was too much for you. You were then sent over the edge when he cheated on you.
"Tony, what the hell?" you said as Tony walked into the Malibu home, drunk as hell. He's been gone for three days and all you've done is worry.

"What? God shut the hell up!" You walked closer to him and could see the liquor bottle.

"Excuse me?" You were extremely pissed.

You were his wife. You've dealt with him for the past 4 years. Dealt with his parties, other girls latching onto him, his nightmares and his insomnia.

He's even kissed another girl in front you. He knew you were watching and did it on purpose. He wasn't even drunk. He looked dead at you with a smirk.

That was one of the times you guys had an argument. Tony wouldn't go to bed and it turned into a full on screaming match.

"Look unless you wanna have sex, get out of my face." You scoffed and watched him walk downstairs to his lab.

You felt tears and decided to go on to bed. But you didn't just fall fast asleep. You cried yourself to sleep.

The next morning, you started to cook breakfast when he came downstairs. 'Must of slept in the guest bedroom' you thought. Which makes sense because you locked the door last night.

You stirred the eggs when he wrapped his arms around you. You tried to ignore him but then he started to leave light kissed on your shoulder and neck. "I'm sorry." he murmured and continued.

This why you would never leave. He'd always apologize and it'd make you feel bad.

You sighed and leaned into his touch. "It's okay."

*3 Months Later*
It's been 3 months since Tony and yours last fight. You'd bicker every now and again but never fight like you used to.

You were on your way back home, coming back from you trip at Italy. You parked your car and walked into the house. "Tony, I'm home!"

You put your purse down in the counter and heard no answer. "Tony?"

Your brows scrunched in confusion as he didn't answer. You started to walk upstairs when you heard giggling. A woman giggling. You narrowed your gaze and followed it to the your bedroom door.

I put your hand on the knob but hesitated. You didn't want to see what you knew was there. You knew what was going on and you knew your marriage would be over.

You let out a breath of air and opened the door. You found exactly what you knew it was. Tonys and some girls head snapped to you. You wished you had camera to catch Tony's dumbfounded look.

You nodded and saw your vision blue by the tears. "Y/N..." You shook your head and ran out of the house, leaving. "Y/N! Wait!"

You ran back to your car and drove. Drove anywhere but there.

It was two weeks before you went back. But only to drop off some stuff and pick up your stuff. He tried to call you everyday but you never picked up.

You walked into the house and sighed in relief when you realized he wasn't here. You walked upstairs and packed up everything that was yours.

You looked around and sighed when you saw all your stuff packed up. You left the two envelopes and your wedding ring on the table.

Then you walked out.

Tony came home later that night. He's been getting drunk everyday since you've been gone.

He stumbled into the house and sat on the couch. "JARVIS, lights." The lights dimed.

Tony looked around until his gaze landed on the papers in front of him. There was a big and small envelope. He looked at it confused and picked up the small one with his name.

I've put up with you for years now. Even when we were only friends. I don't know how but I did.

I also don't know how a selfish and unloving person like you made me love you. I loved you even when you were being a prick.

Even when I caught you with other women or when you wouldn't do anything when they would latch into you.

But now I'm done.

I'm done with being put aside and treated like I'm not your wife. I'm married you thinking that I could somehow change you and make you love a woman like you should. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could change for the better.

Though I never would have thought that doing that would push you away from me.

So thank you Tony. Thank you for the good times and shaping me to be a stronger person.

I'm hoping you can sign the other papers and send them into my lawyers as soon as possible.

Goodbye Tony.

Tony re-read the letter tons of times before snatching up the other envelope and ripping it open.

Divorce papers.

Your name was already sighed at the bottom, next to where his name should be. Tears started to fall down his face as he realized he lost you.

But it wasn't the letter of the papers that made him realize that.

It was your ring, sitting right there on the table.

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