Winter Soldier x Agent!Reader// Bring Em In (Part 2)

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Words: 1756
Warnings: None
Prompt: Being the best assassin SHIELD has, they send you on a mission to kill the Winter Soldier. As it happens, HYDRA sent him on a mission to kill you too.
You ran towards and kicked him backwards. He quickly got up and you both started to throw punches. You both blocked every one of them, the exception of a hit to the jaw every now and again. He'd finally had enough a slammed you into the wall, both of you breathing hard. "You're my mission."

You narrowed your eyes. "And you're mine." You kicked him in the groin and he doubled over in pain.

You kicked his feet out from under him and straddled him, a knife to his throat. You almost did it until you looked into his eyes.

He let emotions show through for the first time in a long time. You saw him vulnerable. You saw the pain and sadness that he had built up. You saw the tears forming in his eyes. You saw every emotion that he has kept hidden in forever. You now know why Fury didn't kill you when he had the chance. He saw what you're seeing. That what happened wasn't his fault. Everyone he has killed or hurt, it wasn't him.

That made you start to shake and you threw the knife the wall, rolling off of him. Your knees were brought to your chest and you put your head in between them. He sighed with relief but was confused. Tears were rolling down your face and he sat up against the bed. You leaned against the wall, trying to stop crying.

"Why?" His voice was quiet and unsure.

You shrugged and shook your head. "I'm not gonna kill a man who wasn't in control." He looked at you confused and you sighed. "HYDRA made you do that shit. They made you kill every single person. I know you feel like you did it, but you didn't. You are James Buchanan Barnes." He looked down and you're tears finally stopped. "You didn't do it, the Winter Soldier did." He was still looking down and I sighed. "Please let me help you."

He glanced up before looking back down. "How?"

You scooted closer to him and took his hand. "Come back with me." He looked at your hands and looked at you.

"Won't they be mad you didn't kill me?"

Your chuckled and shook your head. "No, I think I feel figured out Fury's plan. He wanted this to happen." He started to shake his head before you spoke again. "Do you wanna go back to HYDRA? Get brainwashed and put back into cryo until they need you again?" He shook his vigorously and you nodded. "Then come back with. I'll help you myself."

He thought about it. It felt like forever to you before he finally nodded. "Okay."

You smiled and stood up, still holding his hand. You put on your coat and you both were off to the jet. Oh the way there, James would look around, looking for potential threats. You made your way to the jet and you opened the door. You both walked in and you shut the door. You took off your coat and put most of the weapons back.

"You can sit back here or up there with me." You told him, looking awkwardly. He nodded and sat down in one of the back seats. You're walked to the front and started the jet. Then you were off.

It was deadly quiet. James didn't make any sounds. You would turn around every now and again to make sure he was okay. He was looking at the wall and wouldn't move his gaze. You sighed and turned on autopilot. You unbuckled and walked back to the seat next to him. His gaze found yours and never left. He was confused as to why you were sitting back here with him.

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