Steve Rogers x Reader// Thunder

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Warnings: None
Prompt: You come home to find your boyfriend has cheated on you and go in the night. Steve gets concerned when you didn't answer his calls and checks on you at your place. After he figures out what happened, he goes to look for you.

"Babe, I'm home!"

You had just came home from a long mission, missing your boyfriend dearly.  You and him had been together for 3 years and loved eachother extremely. So you thought.

He hadn't answered back and you started to worry. Being an Avenger, there was always worrying for your loved ones.

You walked further down the hallway, your gun in your hand and stopped right in front of your door. You went to open it when you heard a giggle and stopped. The tears started to build up in your eyes and you pushed open the door.

There was your boyfriend, cuddling next to some girl. The both stopped when they saw you and looked shocked.

"Y/N, please I can explain."

You shook your head and started to walk back down the hall. He followed you and grabbed your hand. You punched him across the face, making him stop and hold his cheek.

"Go to hell."

You grabbed your bag and walked back out of the apartment, slamming the door in the process. You couldn't believe that 3 years were just wasted down the drain like that. It made you feel stupid for trusting someone like him. He had always been a flirt but you always brushed it off. You never thought he would actually act on anything.

You had been walking for so long and couldn't even figure out where you were. You were far away from your apartment, meaning you were also far away from the tower. "Damn it." you mumbled, taking a seat on a park bench. You sat, watching the sunset. You knew you would have to leave soon but you didn't want to. You wanted to just sit there and break down.

"Y/N?" You looked up towards the familiar voice. "What are you doing out here?"

Steve Rogers.

You could tell he had showered and changed considering the last time you saw him, his suit was ripped and he had dirt everywhere. His eyes held worry, taking some steps to sit beside you on the bench. "Are you okay, Y/N? I know you don't live out this way..."

You sniffled, feeling the tears start to come back. "He cheated on me. I walked in out it." You whispered. You knew he heard you by how tense he got. You looked at him and saw how hard his face though it softened when he noticed you look up. "I stormed out, not even thinking. I just kept walking with thoughts running through my head and now I don't know where to go."

You looked back towards the sunset, feeling Steve still looking at you. He grabbed your hand, giving you a sympathetic smile. "You can come and stay with me and Bucky." You went to shake your head before his stern voice came out. "I insist. You're my friend, I'm not just gonna let you stay out here."

You held his gaze for a moment for nodding. You both stood and walked the far distance to his apartment. He unlocked the door, allowing you in first. You sat your purse down and slid off your shoes. It wasn't your first time in their apartment. The team threw a surprise party here for Bucky just a couple of months ago. He was still not well enough to join the team but everyone still cared for him as they would any other team member.

"The guest room is a bit of a mess, you can just take my bed tonight. I'll sleep on the couch and we can fix up the guest bedroom tomorrow."

"Steve, I'm not taking your bed. I will be more than fine sleeping on the couch pal." He went to interject as you shook your head. "You've done enough for me, I'm not going to take you away from your bed." Steve sighed in defeat, giving you a small smile. "Could I maybe have some clothes to sleep in?"

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