Tony Stark X Reader// The Life

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Words: 875
Warnings: none
Prompt: You have been Tony's assistant for years and overtime, you eventually developed a relationship and made a family for yourselves. Requested by -MarvelFanatic-
You woke up in your bed, expecting to fill your husbands arms wrapped your waist. Though, you didn't. And it annoyed you to no ends. You huffed, throwing your arms to the side of the bed. You felt a piece of paper and picked it up, a smile coming to your lips while you read it.

'Kids are with me, come to the lab when you're ready. Love ya babe.'

You and Tony had met years ago. You became his assistant and was there for him when he became the Iron Man. You had gotten closer to him and the Avengers over the years. He had finally asked you out and a few years later, to marriage before having your own children. All three of you had become Tony's world and he swore to protect you from any and everything.

Which is why he retired.

Tony ended up retiring after your second child was born. He knew one of the ways to protect you was to limit the targets put on his back. He was still close to the team, but wouldn't return to the field unless absolute need be. You admired him for giving up such things and it made you fall even more in love with him.

Deciding it was time to join your family, you threw on some jeans and a shirt. You went downstairs, grabbing a water from the fridge before making your way outside. Even though Tony gave up the suit, he never gave up his inventions.

You opened the shed door and closed it tightly. You pushed on a certain piece of the wall, watching the keypad come out. You typed in your code and the wall opened, and you were welcomed with a set of stairs. You walked down them, hearing the wall close behind you. Tony had built this after moving here. He knew you didn't want this kind of stuff in the house so built it underneath the shed instead. It also acted as a safe house for your family.

You finally reached the bottom and looked through the glass. You smiled at the sight in front of you. Your two boys were helping Tony hold something down. You could hear the AC/DC playing, your youngest son rocking his head to the beat. You looked over and seen your daughter, your oldest child, recording and giggling at the rest of them.

"What are you guys doing?" You walked inside the room and couldn't help but laugh at your kids. Both your sons, still in their PJs, having prototypes of suit pieces on their bodies.

"Look mom, I'm Iron Man!"

"No mom, I'm Iron Man!"

"Um, your both wrong." Tony walked over to you, the arm piece of his actual suit on him. He wrapped his other arm around your waist and kissed your head. "Im Iron Man."

The blue emitted from the end of his hand and the boys looked in admiration. Your daughter had even put her phone down and looked with wide eyes. "But, that's enough for today." He took the prototypes off of them and set them on the table, taking his piece off as well. "Aunt Nat and Uncle Steve are taking you guys to the park today, so I believe you need to get ready."

"YAYY!" Your boys ran out of the room, running up the stairs while your daughter tried to chase after them.

You looked over at Tony with confusion. "I thought they said the couldn't?"

He looked over at you with a small smirk. "Steve said that. I decided to talk to Miss Romanoff myself and she just couldn't resist the kids." He walked back to you, wrapping both of his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a kiss.

You could never get enough of Tony. You loved the man for so many reasons, though the main one is for giving you a family. You looked into his eyes, a small smile laying of your lips. "I love you."

He smiled widely, nodding his head. "Who doesn't?" You his chest, rolling your eyes while he laughed. He pulled you back in for a hug. "Kidding, kidding." He pulled back and tucked a piece of hair around your ear, admiring your beauty. "I love you more, Mrs. Stark."

"DAD!" Tony groaned and dropped his head on your shoulder. You laughed and ran a hand through his hair, knowing he was upset about the moment being ruined. "Uncle Steve looks mad and wants to talk to you!"

"Oh shit." Tony muttered. You chuckled once more before lifting his head off your shoulder, pulling him out of his lab.

"Would seem like it's time to talk to Mr. Rogers about your park situation."

"Well, as long as your there to protect me, I'll be alright." You smiled and nodded.

You got the top and shut the shed door, Tony locking it before turning to look at Steve, who had a massive glare on his face. You winced before you started walking into the house. "Yeah, you're on your own."


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