Steve Rogers x Reader// I dont know how to answer that

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Word Count: 344
Warnings: None I don't think...
Prompt: You and Tony are in an argument about a question and Tony decides to embarrass Steve.

Just great.

You were in yet another argument with Tony and that's just what you needed today. Except this one was probably the most stupid argument you've ever been in.

"What the hell goes through your head during the day?" you ask Tony. He had just asked you the most ridiculous question known to man-kind.

"It's a regular, everyday question." You gave him a look and he rolled his eyes. "Would rather be tickled by Wolverines claws or massaged by Thor's hammer?"

You shook your head fought the urge to smile. "Do you not realize how wrong that sounds? I mean, literally." He gave you a look that said "answer the question or go away". "Fine. Wolverines claws!"

His face was priceless. "Are you that stupid!? They would kill you! They'd scratch you up into little tiny pieces!" he exclaimed.

"So you would rather be smashed by Thor's hammer!?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Tony, that sounds so wrong and makes me think about your sexuality." you say calmly.

He gives you a emotionless face until he sees Steve walking by and smirk. Steve and you have been together for 2 years now. You knew what Tony was up to and you knew Steve would be a blushing mess by the end.

"Oh, Stevie boy!" Tony yelled, getting Steve's attention. Steve looked over and smiled. He walked into the room and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "We-"

"Tony." you correct him.

"I," he starts, giving you a glare. "Have a question."

"Okay." Steve says unsure.

Tony smirks and starts. "Would you rather be tickled by Wolverines claws or massaged by Thor's hammer?"

And as I said. Steve turns very red and avoids Tony's eyes. You shake your head as he looks down, avoiding both of your gazes.

He then clears his throats and looks at Tony. "I don't know how to answer that."

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