Fantastic 4 x Reader x Avnegers// What The Holy Hell? (Part 1)

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Word Count: 1523
Warnings: None
Prompt: Okay I've seen other people do this and I think it's funny so I just wanted to do one of my own. You're Ben Grimm's little sister and you're basically a science genius. Johnny is your best friend and acts like a second brother, so protective. Then you guys go to a meeting with the Avengers and some pretty weird things happen.
3rd POV
You sighed as you leaned against the plane window. You didn't want to go on this stupid trip to meet these stupid Avengers. You just wanted to stay and do research on your latest project. But no, Ben just had to force you on the plane.

"Stop pouting, we're almost there." Ben said. You guys were on a private plane and he was at the bar. You rolled your eyes. "You brought your computer, right?" You nodded. "Then do your research there. I'm sure they have a lab."

You sighed once again but nodded. "Okay."

Next thing you know, Johnny is in the seat beside you and looked upset as well. Johnny was your best friend. Even when Susan and Reed broke up the first time, you guys still talked. Nothing could ever come between you guys.

He didn't want to come either because he didn't want to meet them. And now he starts to rant. "You know, I heard Captain America is kinda stuck up. And who wears spandex like that? I mean, come on!"

You looked at him like he was an idiot. He raised a brow at you. "Johnny, you wear a blue suit that's tighter than your skin. How can you even ask that?"

He thought about for a minute before putting on a lazy smirk. "I make it look hot."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes and got on your tablet. "You know, even though Steve Rogers wears a helmet all the time, you two kinda resemble each other. Especially your eyes." you tell him.

He smiles at you. "You like my eyes?"

You turn and smile back. "I've always liked your eyes." He was about to say something when Reed came in.

"We're about to land."

Your POV
I looked up at the tower in front of me in amazement. This thing was huge and I couldn't wait to get inside. "Still dreading this trip?" Ben asked as he walked beside me.

"Not as much." He chuckled and walked inside, I following behind him.

All the sudden, Johnny came up and wrapped an arm around me. "I dare that Cap guy to boss me around once. I blow some fire at him."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "I highly doubt anyone's gonna look your way Johnny." He looked offended and brought me closer as we went inside the elevator.

"Oh trust me, I'll be turning heads."

Ben looked back at us and noticed how close Johnny was. He didn't like Johnny that much. "Johnny." Ben growled.

He threw his hands up in defense. "What? You know I wouldn't do anything. She would never let me anyways."

"Look guys, we don't want to make a bad impression. We're just here to talk about some things and maybe even do a little research." Reed said.

We all nodded and the elevator opened. There stood in front of Earths mightiest heroes. The Avengers.

We all stepped out the elevator and they were staring at us and we were staring back. Most of them were staring at Ben and I knew it was making him uncomfortable. I decided to speak first.

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