Wanda Maximoff x Reader// Just Friends?

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Word Count: 703
Warnings: girl x girl, if you're not into that, just skip the chapter; kinda short.
Prompt: You and Wanda have been best friends for a long time. You were bisexual but always thought Wanda. But always had a thing for her. But she doesn't know that you're bisexual because she thinks you and Bucky are together but you guys are just super close.
"So, what shall it be tonight?" You asked as you plopped on the couch next to Wanda with popcorn.

It was your 'Every Weekend Movie Night' and you guys still didn't know what to watch. You had five movies to choose from and it was Wanda's turn.

"Um, I don't know yet." Ugh, you loved the way her accent rolled off her tongue.

For a while now, you've had a thing for Wanda. You always thought she knew you were bi but you knew she was straight. You would always try and spend a lot of time with her. You loved her.

"Well, how about this one?" Wanda looked at you as you held up a movie.

She always loved your E/C when they lit up about something not even exciting. She loved your smile, how you would full on grin about the dumbest things. But most of all, she loved you.

Unfortunately though, she thought you were with Bucky. Because anytime you weren't with her, you were with him. She never knew about you being bi like you thought. She wasn't to sure about herself but she knew she loved you.

"Yeah, let's watch that one."

"I mean, I like peanut butter, just not with jelly." Wanda scoffed as you said that. You guys were making lunch and talking about random stuff.

Right when Wanda was about to say something, Bucky walked in. She rolled her eyes and looked down as she finished her sandwich. "What you making, doll?"

"A ham sandwich." Bucky nodded and looked at Wanda.

"What bout you Wanda?"

"Peanut butter and jelly."

"That's my favorite." Wanda rolled her eyes again and picked up her plate.

"Well, no one cares." And walked out.

You and Bucky raised your brows in shock. "She don't like you." you muttered.

"Nope. She likes you." Your head snapped to Bucky's view and he shrugged. "It's very noticeable. How she's always jealous around me or how she gets upset when I join you guys. Especially when it's just you and her."

You shook her head but you notice that sometimes. Bucky knew all about your crush on Wanda and he's had his suspicions about her. "That doesn't make any since." You shook her again, trying to get rid of the thoughts. "She's straight."

"Is she?" You finished your sandwich and stood there dumbfounded. You sighed and leaned on the counter.

"But why would she get jealous of you?" you asked with a disgusted look.

Bucky chuckled before leaning down as well. "Y/N, I don't think she knows your bi."

But now she does. Because the whole time they were talking, Wanda was behind the corner, listening to every word.

And she couldn't be happier.

"Have you ever been here?" You asked as you sat in the restaurant.

Wanda wanted to go out to lunch and talk. So far, she hasn't spoken a word. She shook her head and you sighed.

"You said you wanted to talk. You can tell me anything, we're friends." Wanda looked at you and hesitantly grabbed your hand.

"Just friends?" You face dropped and Wanda looked at you with glossy eyes. "I heard you and Bucky talking. I had no idea about you being bisexual."

You took your other hand and leaned your face on it. You nodded and took a shaky breath. "But you're straight."

Wanda cracked a smile. "Am I?" You looked at her with a smile slowly breaking out on your face.

"Does that mean you feel the same way?" She smiled even more and nodded.

You let out a breathy chuckle and she rubbed her thumb over your hand. "I think I actually love you."

You looked at her, shocked by the words. A tear went down your face and you smiled once more. "I love you too."

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