Avenger Boys x Reader// Pick-up lines

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Word Count: 729
Warnings: None
Prompt: Avengers try pick up lines on you after Bruce tells them you hate it.
Y/N was a new Avenger. Natasha and you had been good friends for a few years and Nat knew about your abilities. You could control the elements of Earth and Nat thought you would fit right in.

You had only been there for a few months and everyone was nice to her. Especially the guys. Tony and Pietro would always flirt, Bucky and Steve would always compliment you on anything, and Sam and Clint would always help you train. Bruce was never like that though.

Bruce was like the guy you told everything to. And apparently, you tell too much to.

But today was weird and different.

You walked out of your room that morning, yawning and stretching. You walked to the kitchen and started to make a bowl of cereal. Steve and Bucky walked in, both quietly arguing with each other, and you smiled at them.

They smiled back and Bucky sat down while Steve walked over to you. You poured in your milk and he leaned against the fridge, arms crossed over his chest. You put the cap back on the milk and went to put it up but he didn't move. "Did it hurt?"

Oh no, you thought. But you decided to ask anyway. "Did what hurt?"

He put put on a small smirk. "When you fell out of heaven." You dropped your head and shook it.

"Steve, that's probably the older one in the book." His smile completely fell and he started to turn red. He quickly made his way out of the kitchen and Bucky busted out laughing.

You put the milk up and sat at the bar, which happened you've next to Bucky. You started to eat and noticed that he kept glancing at you. "What?" You muttered.

"Do you have a band-aid?"

You closed your eyes tightly and tried to control yourself. "No. Why?"

"Damn. I skit my knee falling for you."

You pursed your lips and let out a huff. "Heard it before." You answered. His face fell and he left as you continued to eat your cereal.

A few hours later, you decided to train. You were hitting the punching bag and heard the door open. You didn't bother turning around, not really caring who was in here. You heard a push and a smack before Sam came walking over. "Hey Y/N, wanna hear something?"

You narrowed your eyes at Sam. "What?"

"Roses are read, violets are blue, lava is hot, and so are you." he said with a smirk. You clench your jaw and let out a soft sigh.

"You think you're the first to tell me that." you fired back.

He grunted and walked away while you walked over to Clint. You guys decided to spar and things were going well. Until he opened his mouth. "Hey Y/N, can you touch me? I wanna tell my friends I was touched by an angel."

You punched him his jaw and slipped his feet out from under. "You can tell them you were beat by one as well."

You were in the lab, Tony wanting to do some tests on you. He was drawing blood when you saw the familiar blue streak. Pietro came in and leaned against the wall. "Y/N, I want to ask you something."

"Oh no." you muttered and looked down.

"You look familiar, didn't we take class together? I could've sworn we had chemistry."

You picked up something that was closest, which happened to be a syringe full of something red, and threw it at him. Somehow, you managed to stick it in. He looked down at his leg confused before he fainted.

Tony looked quite scared. "Can I at least tell you mine?" You rolled your eyes.


He cleared his threat and put on smirk, leaning against the desk. "I'm feeling a little bit off today, but you definitely turned me on."

You heard the door open and you saw Bruce walk in. "Did you tell them I hated pick-up lines?" you yelled at him.

You looked so innocent and confused. "No, I was being sarcastic when they asked. I didn't think they'd actually do it."

You glared at him and stood up. "You're a dead man Banner."

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