Sam Wilson x Reader// Race

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Word Count: 423
Warnings: None
Prompt: Sam gets upset and wants to race you. Stakes are at place though and they aren't in your favor.
You were running around the track at Central Park. Steve was supposed to be with you but he had to do something with Fury. So it was just you and your thoughts today.

Then you saw someone a few feet ahead of you. You noticed that it was Sam and smirked. You were always faster than Sam and almost faster than Steve.

You picked up your pace and decided to do something that he hates. You got right behind and then next to him. "On your left." you said.

You ran faster as you heard his cussing. "God damnit Y/N! Did Steve tell you to do that?! Answer me!"

You ran a few more laps before stopping and getting some water. You saw Sam at a tree hunched over. You chuckled and walked over with your water. "You okay there?"

"Fuck you." he said lowly. You laughed and took a sip of your water. He slowly stood up and glared at you. "That's it. I wanna re-match!"

You scrunched your eyebrows together in confusion. "We weren't even racing." you said confused.

He put his hands on his hips. "Well we are now. And they are gonna be stakes!" he demanded. You couldn't but laugh at him.

"Okay, if I win, you have to do whatever I say for a week." He narrowed his eyes mad nodded slowly.

"Fine. If I win, you have to... um... damn it, I didn't think I'd get this far." He though for a minute until an evil smirk came across his face. "You have to go to dinner with me and wear a dress."

You squinted at him because he knew how much you hate dresses. "Deal." You shook hands and went back to the track.

You got ready and let out a breath of air. He yelled go and you were both off, running with all your might. You were at each others necks and you were halfway there. He sped up a little and got ahead of you. You then started to go faster and went right by him. You were coming to the end when he somehow managed to run a little faster and beat you.

You collapsed on the ground, breathing hard and out of breath. You did the same and looked over at you. "I'll pick you up around 7. Make sure you wear a dress."

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